

python Programming Glossary: etree.tostring

Executing Javascript from Python


I have HTML webpages that I am crawling using xpath. The etree.tostring of a certain node gives me this string script function escramble_758..

Creating xml file using ElementTree or lxml


xml_string parser with open 'data.xml' 'w' as f f.write etree.tostring root pretty_print True Hope that helps. share improve this..

Parsing xml to pandas data frame throws memory error


#edited for privacy root etree.fromstring r.text xml_new etree.tostring root pretty_print True print xml_new 300 900 #gives xml output..

Encoding in python with lxml - complex solution


parser etree.HTMLParser recover True txt my_process_text etree.tostring root.xpath ' html body' encoding utf8 output etree.Element out.. output etree.Element out output.text txt outputfile.write etree.tostring output encoding utf8 So webfile can be in any encoding lxml..

Validating and filling default values in XML based on XSD in Python


True root etree.fromstring xmls parser result etree.tostring root pretty_print True method xml print result will give you..

Good python XML parser to work with namespace heavy documents


root xmlns foo xmlns stuff bar bar stuff baz bar root etree.tostring et encoding str # encoding str only needed in Python 3 to avoid..

Python pretty XML printer for XML string


text child parent root etree.fromstring xml_str print etree.tostring root pretty_print True Outputs parent child text child child..

In lxml, how do I remove a tag but retain all contents?


For the time being I'll revert to a very dirty trick I'll etree.tostring the fragment remove the offending tags via regex and replace.. a inner1 a text2 b inner2 b c t c ext3 fragment fstring etree.tostring fragment fstring fstring.replace a fstring fstring.replace a.. module.html#strip_tags etree.strip_tags fragment 'a' 'c' etree.tostring fragment ' fragment text1 inner1 text2 b inner2 b text3 fragment..

Equivalent to InnerHTML when using lxml.html to parse HTML


root t.getroot for child in root.iterdescendants ... print etree.tostring child ... h1 A title h1 p Some text p This can be shorthanded.. text p This can be shorthanded as follows print ''.join etree.tostring child for child in root.iterdescendants share improve this..

stripping inline tags with python's lxml


want to keep in between. I can deal with this with lxml's etree.tostring element method text encoding 'utf 8' The second type of tags.. some y more y text x ''' tree etree.fromstring text print etree.tostring tree pretty_print True # Remove the z tags but keep their contents.. contents etree.strip_tags tree 'z' print ' ' 72 print etree.tostring tree pretty_print True # Remove all the y tags including their..

How to create <!DOCTYPE> with Python's cElementTree


'adminlang' 'EN' body etree.SubElement tree 'body' print etree.tostring tree encoding UTF 8 xml_declaration True pretty_print True..