

python Programming Glossary: estimates

python passlib: what is the best value for “rounds”


behind it are a couple of pages of assumptions and rough estimates making it more of a Fermi Estimation than an exact answer My..

How does sklearn.svm.svc's function predict_proba() work internally?


I am using its predict_proba function to get probability estimates. Can anyone tell me how predict_proba internally calculates.. nets use for turning decision functions into probability estimates. Mind you the B parameter the intercept or bias or whatever.. like to call it can cause predictions based on probability estimates from this model to be inconsistent with the ones you get from..

Python Framework for small website [closed]


powers over 80 of Python coded web sites according to some estimates. While it's definitely way more powerful than you need there..

Fitting data to distributions?


You'd like to use the data to give you reasonable estimates of the mean and standard deviation. In R there is a standard.. a new set of points you'll get a new answer for the estimates. Mathematically this is using maximum likelihood to estimate..

scipy.interpolate.UnivariateSpline not smoothing regardless of parameters


9154.2956175610598 pylab.plot x y o label Actual # Plot estimates using splines with a range of degrees for k in range 1 4 mySpline..