

python Programming Glossary: etree.parse

Extracting text from XML node with minidom


from lxml import etree from StringIO import StringIO xml etree.parse StringIO ''' TextWithNodes Node id 0 TEXT1 Node id 19 TEXT2..

Use lxml to parse text file with bad header in Python


is my current code and error. from lxml import etree f etree.parse 'temp.txt' XMLSyntaxError Start tag expected ' ' not found line..

Text file creation issue where new lines created when not really EOL


import etree seperator '^' with open currentFile as f tree etree.parse f xmltaglist for tagn in tree.iter tag None #print tagn.tag..

Extracting XML into data frame with parent attribute as column title


you want into a list of tuples from lxml import etree root etree.parse file_name parents root.getchildren 0 .getchildren In 21 elems.. int c.attrib 'Time' int gc.text for f in files for p in etree.parse f .getchildren 0 .getchildren for c in p for gc in c Put them..

Parsing broken XML with lxml.etree.iterparse


recover True #recovers from bad characters. tree lxml.etree.parse filename parser #how do I do the equivalent with iterparse using.. XMLParser encoding 'utf 8' recover True tree etree.parse StringIO your_xml_string magical_parser #or pass in an open..

Entity references and lxml


ENTITY test This is a test root sub test sub root ''' d1 etree.parse xml print ' r' d1.find ' sub' .text parser etree.XMLParser resolve_entities.. .text parser etree.XMLParser resolve_entities False d2 etree.parse xml parser parser print ' r' d2.find ' sub' .text Here's the..

Encoding in python with lxml - complex solution


from lxml import etree webfile urllib2.urlopen url root etree.parse webfile.read parser etree.HTMLParser recover True txt my_process_text..

lxml unicode entity parse problems


exported XML file from another system xmldoc open filename etree.parse xmldoc But im getting lxml.etree.XMLSyntaxError Entity 'eacute'..

Which language is easiest and fastest to work with XML content?


self.log logging.getLogger source.PCIX_XLS self.dom etree.parse aFileName .getroot def sheets self for wb in self.dom.getiterator..

how do i rewrite this function to implement OrderedDict?


file import collections from lxml import etree tree etree.parse file root tree.getroot def xml_to_item el item None if el.text.. def simplexml_load_file file from lxml import etree tree etree.parse file root tree.getroot def xml_to_item el item el.text or None..

How to prevent xml.ElementTree fromstring from dropping commentnode


etree parser etree.XMLParser remove_comments False tree etree.parse 'input.xml' parser parser # or alternatively set the parser..

Equivalent to InnerHTML when using lxml.html to parse HTML


from lxml import etree from cStringIO import StringIO t etree.parse StringIO body ... h1 A title h1 ... p Some text p ... body root..

Automatic XSD validation


following parser etree.XMLParser xsd_validation True tree etree.parse simpletest.xml parser python xml lxml libxml2 share improve.. def validateXML content schemaContent try xmlSchema_doc etree.parse schemaContent xmlSchema etree.XMLSchema xmlSchema_doc xml etree.parse.. schemaContent xmlSchema etree.XMLSchema xmlSchema_doc xml etree.parse StringIO content except logging.critical Could not parse schema..