

python Programming Glossary: error.log

Problems hosting multiple django sites (settings cross over)


problem but this isn't acceptable so I checked the apache error.log and noticed that sometimes when I hit 'dentech' there is an..

static file with mod_wsgi in django


href media css style.css and the error in var log http error.log Sat Jan 16 13 22 21 2010 error client 13 Permission..

Django deployment problem in Apache/mod_wsgi. ImportError: Could not import settings 'site.settings'


requests 200 stack size 524288 ErrorLog var www django error.log LogLevel warn VirtualHost wsgi_handler.py import os sys sys.path.append..

Django + mod_wsgi + apache: ImportError at / No module named djproj.urls


Allow from all Directory ErrorLog srv www site.com logs error.log CustomLog srv www site.com logs access.log combined When I visit..

Extend python/django with c and mod_wsgi with apache


when executed with apache and mod_wsgi. The error in httpd error.log is Wed Jul 27 02 33 52 2011 notice child pid 44657 exit signal..

using Python logger class to generate multiple logs for different log levels


scriptRun.py does not throw any errors when i run it and error.log and debug.log are created but only error.log is populated with.. i run it and error.log and debug.log are created but only error.log is populated with entries. any idea why Update #2 So I realized..