

python Programming Glossary: error

What is a metaclass in Python?


Now the big question. Why would you use some obscure error prone feature Well usually you don't Metaclasses are deeper..

How do I download a file over HTTP using Python?


This is the most basic way to use the library minus any error handling. You can also do more complex stuff such as changing..

Lexical closures in Python


inner outer #~ print i # commented because it causes an error for f in flist print f 2 As the commented line shows i is unknown..

error: Unable to find vcvarsall.bat


Unable to find vcvarsall.bat I'm trying to install dulwich.. running build_ext building 'dulwich._objects' extension error Unable to find vcvarsall.bat If you know any hints tell me please...

Dynamic module import in Python


fromlist myapp.commands except ImportError # Display error message command_module.run This works just fine I'm just wondering..

What kinds of patterns could I enforce on the code to make it easier to translate to another programming language?


as they might make the translation process easier and less error prone. I'll make use of Python's parser module which lets me..

How to add to the pythonpath in windows 7?


still doesn't read the coltrane module and generated this error Error No module named coltrane python django windows 7 pythonpath..

Python variable scope question


baffled for two reasons 1 Why is there an runtime error thrown at line A because of a later statement on line B 2 Why.. variables a and b printed as expected while c raises an error The only explanation I can come up with is that a local variable..

How to install pip on windows?


compiler installed and configured you'll see this cryptic error message. Error Unable to find vcvarsall.bat You can fix that..

Python's slice notation


contains one element you get an empty list instead of an error. Sometimes you would prefer the error so you have to be aware.. list instead of an error. Sometimes you would prefer the error so you have to be aware that this may happen. share improve..

Python, Unicode, and the Windows console


'charmap' codec can't encode character .... error. I assume this is because the Windows console does not accept..

Python rounding error with float numbers


rounding error with float numbers I don't know if this is an obvious bug but.. 29 100 as 0.28999999999999998. But that isn't a systematic error not in the sense it happens to every integer. So I created the.. see any pattern in the numbers for which this rounding error happens. Does anyone knows why this happens with those lucky..

Syntax error on print with Python 3


error on print with Python 3 I'm new to python and am currently lost..

Calling an external command in Python


you can get the stdout stderr the real status code better error handling etc... . I think os.system is deprecated too or will..

Making a flat list out of list of lists in Python [duplicate]


is some cool one liner I tried it with reduce but I get an error. Code l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 reduce lambda x y x.extend y l Error..

Python: Inflate and Deflate implementations


I receive the following error Error 3 while decompressing data incorrect header check Gzip does.. .read I receive the error IOError Not a gzipped file which makes sense as the data is a Deflated..

Fetch a Wikipedia article with Python


instead of the html page I get the following response Error Wikimedia Foundation Request GET http en.wikipedia.org w index.php.. via knsq1.knams.wikimedia.org squid 2.6.STABLE21 to Error ERR_ACCESS_DENIED errno No Error at Tue 23 Sep 2008 09 09 08.. squid 2.6.STABLE21 to Error ERR_ACCESS_DENIED errno No Error at Tue 23 Sep 2008 09 09 08 GMT Wikipedia seems to block request..

Fastest way to list all primes below N in python


for a b in itertools.izip_longest f1 num f2 num sys.exit Error s s s s f1.func_name num f2.func_name num n 1000000 test sieveOfAtkin..

Why does Python print unicode characters when the default encoding is ASCII?


u' xe9' é I expected to have either some gibberish or an Error after the print statement since the é character isn't part of.. should get a nice error message print u' xe9' UnicodeEncodeError 'ascii' codec can't encode character u' xe9' in position 0 ordinal..

How to delete files with a Python script from a FTP server which are older than 7 days?


the scipt below but it throws the error message WindowsError Error 3 The system cannot find the path specified ' test123.. scipt below but it throws the error message WindowsError Error 3 The system cannot find the path specified ' test123 . ' Do..

Ping a site in Python?


timeout 2000 .do except socket.error e print Ping Error e The source code itself is easy to read see the implementations..

Why use pip over easy_install?


pip keeps track of why that package was required. Error messages should be useful. The code is relatively concise and..

Python Unicode Encode Error


Unicode Encode Error I'm reading and parsing an Amazon XML file and while the XML.. most recent call last File stdin line 1 in UnicodeEncodeError 'ascii' codec can't encode character ' ua000' in position 0..

How does Python's super() work with multiple inheritance?


no obvious expectation and Python will raise an error TypeError Error when calling the metaclass bases Cannot create a consistent.. expectation and Python will raise an error TypeError Error when calling the metaclass bases Cannot create a consistent..

How to add to the pythonpath in windows 7?


doesn't read the coltrane module and generated this error Error No module named coltrane python django windows 7 pythonpath..

How to install pip on windows?


and configured you'll see this cryptic error message. Error Unable to find vcvarsall.bat You can fix that by installing..

Reversing a regular expression in python


subset and I ignored some details like line endings. Error handling etc. is left as an exercise to the reader. Of the 12..

python time to age part 2, timezones


_strptime.py line 330 in strptime data_string format ValueError time data did not match format data Tue 22 Jul 2008 08 17 41.. offset int Tue 22 Jul 2008 08 17 41 0300 5 except print Error delta timedelta hours offset 100 fmt a d b Y H M S time datetime.strptime..

Using MultipartPostHandler to POST form-data with Python


'my@email.com' try data open file 'rb' .read except print Error could not open file s for reading file print Check permissions.. request print response.geturl except urllib2.URLError e print File upload failed... EDIT1 Thanks for your response...

Python | accessing dll using ctypes


in __init__ self._handle _dlopen self._name mode WindowsError Error 126 The specified module could not be found I also tried.. __init__ self._handle _dlopen self._name mode WindowsError Error 126 The specified module could not be found I also tried loading..

Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python?


MAX_LINE stdin NULL line_count if ferror stdin perror Error reading stdin. Now here are the results using an even larger..

Making a flat list out of list of lists in Python [duplicate]


Code l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 reduce lambda x y x.extend y l Error message Traceback most recent call last File line 1 in File.. recent call last File line 1 in File line 1 in AttributeError 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'extend' python list share..

IOError when trying to open existing files


zdata zdata1 error in pickle unpickle round trip THE ERROR The IOException is the one that occurs so for some reason python..

SQLite, python, unicode, and non-utf data


original char type 'str' repr char ' xf3' ' ' unicode char ERROR 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xf3 in position 0 unexpected.. repr char.decode 'latin_1' u' xf3' ' ' char.decode 'utf_8' ERROR 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xf3 in position 0 unexpected.. repr char.decode 'latin_1' u' xf3' ' ' char.decode 'utf_8' ERROR 'utf8' codec can't decode byte 0xf3 in position 0 unexpected..

Creating a JSON response using Django and Python


'.json_encode arrayToJs .' ' RETURNS ARRAY WITH ERROR. And this is the converted code def validate_user request if..

Building lxml for Python 2.7 on Windows


generated 'src lxml lxml.etree.c' need s to be available. ERROR 'xslt config' is not recognized as an internal or external command..

Get hard disk serial number using Python on Linux


hd int fd if fd open dev hda O_RDONLY O_NONBLOCK 0 printf ERROR opening dev hda n exit 1 if ioctl fd HDIO_GET_IDENTITY hd printf.. ENOMSG printf No serial number available n else perror ERROR HDIO_GET_IDENTITY exit 1 Translated into Python on Ubuntu 9.10.. like this import sys os fcntl struct if os.geteuid 0 print ERROR Must be root to use sys.exit 1 with open sys.argv 1 rb as fd..

Complex foreign key constraint in SQLAlchemy


UPDATE systemvariables SET choice_id 4 WHERE variable_id 1 ERROR insert or update on table systemvariables violates foreign key..

spawning process from python


for fd in range maxfd try os.close fd except OSError # ERROR fd wasn't open to begin with ignored pass # redirect stdin stdout..