

python Programming Glossary: eoferror

How to pickle a python function with its dependencies?


funcfile while True try code marshal.load funcfile except EOFError break sandbox code.co_name types.FunctionType code sandbox code.co_name..

PIL - Convert GIF Frames to JPG


i '.jpg' 'JPEG' quality 80 i 1 im.seek im.tell 1 except EOFError pass # end of sequence but it results in weird output files.. i '.jpg' 'JPEG' quality 80 i 1 im.seek im.tell 1 except EOFError pass # end of sequence which results in an output like this.. 80 lastframe background i 1 im.seek im.tell 1 except EOFError pass # end of sequence But i actually dont know why my transparency..

Sublime Text 2 console input


fail to correctly prompt me for input . Python throws an EOFError error what you get when user doesn't enter anything . Simply.. try text input 'Enter something ' print text except EOFError print ' nEOFError' Enter something #cannot enter anything to.. 'Enter something ' print text except EOFError print ' nEOFError' Enter something #cannot enter anything to var text EOFError..

How do I programmatically check whether a GIF image is animated?


Image gif Image.open 'path.gif' try gif.seek 1 except EOFError isanimated False else isanimated True share improve this answer..

multiprocessing GUI schemas to combat the “Not Responding” blocking


self.queue.get self.update_signal.emit message except EOFError pass if message 'done with processing' self.done_signal.emit.. self.queue.get self.update_signal.emit message except EOFError pass if message 'done with processing' self.done_signal.emit..

Alternatives to keeping large lists in memory (python)


IndexError c try self.a.fromfile self.f MAXINMEM except EOFError pass self.f.seek self.a.itemsize MAXINMEM os.SEEK_END self.f.truncate..

python, subprocess: reading output from subprocess


call last File . script.py line 4 in module x raw_input EOFError EOF when reading a line Out 8 'cba n' None EDIT 2 I tried flushing..

Python piping on Windows: Why does this not work?


At the cmd line Output.py Input.py But it returns an EOFError . Can someone tell me what I am doing wrong Thanks for your.. Give me the greeting. The greeting is hello But I get an EOFError also if running the commands directly as output.py input.py..

Python: Converting GIF frames to PNG


else imframe.putpalette palette yield imframe i 1 except EOFError pass for i frame in enumerate iter_frames im frame.save 'test..

Python multiprocessing: How can I RELIABLY redirect stdout from a child process?


print received s n str obj sys.stdout.flush except EOFError ## connection closed break You may also want to see the first..

Python multiprocessing - Pipe vs Queue


# Read from the output pipe and do nothing except EOFError break def writer count input_p for ii in xrange 0 count input_p.send..

Python 3.1 and Sublime Text 2 error


raw_input Please type your name and press enter EOFError EOF when reading a line Finished Here is the code of the program..