

python Programming Glossary: epsilon

Using bisection search to determine


12 high originalBalance 1 monthly_interest 12 12 epsilon 0.01 min_payment high low 2.0 while min_payment 12 originalBalance.. high low 2.0 while min_payment 12 originalBalance epsilon for month in range 0 12 balance originalBalance min_payment.. share improve this question This is the key while abs x epsilon x balance for month in range 0 12 x x ans 1 monthly_interest..

python: Help to implement an algorithm to find the minimum-area-rectangle for given points in order to compute the major and minor axis length


x of a point thus finding the leftmost point. Note that an epsilon allowance probably should be used when if mx rx my ry best is..

How can you detect if two regular expressions overlap in the strings they can match?


all the states reachable from the start. If you allow epsilon transitions that don't output a letter that's fine if A epsilon.. transitions that don't output a letter that's fine if A epsilon B in the first NFA then for every state A Y you reach add the.. NFA then for every state A Y you reach add the arc A Y epsilon B Y and similarly for epsilons in the second position NFA. Epsilon..

Evaluating a mathematical expression in a string


operator symbols to corresponding arithmetic operations epsilon 1e 12 self.opn operator.add operator.sub operator.mul operator.truediv.. abs trunc lambda a int a round round sgn lambda a abs a epsilon and cmp a 0 or 0 def evaluateStack self s op s.pop if op 'unary..

How can you determine a point is between two other points on a line segment?


c.y a.y b.x a.x c.x a.x b.y a.y if abs crossproduct epsilon return False # or 0 if using integers dotproduct c.x a.x b.x..

Python: Adding element to list while iterating


object will have a size smaller than a. somecond has an epsilon for how small objects can be and if they are too small it will..

Increment a python floating point value by the smallest possible amount


math # 'double' means IEEE 754 double precision c 'double' epsilon math.ldexp 1.0 53 # smallest double that 0.5 epsilon 0.5 maxDouble.. epsilon math.ldexp 1.0 53 # smallest double that 0.5 epsilon 0.5 maxDouble float 2 1024 2 971 # From the IEEE 754 standard.. else return x smallEpsilon m e math.frexp x if y x m epsilon else m epsilon return math.ldexp m e Obviously the Numpy solution..

How does a threading.Thread yield the rest of its quantum in Python?


0 is sufficient to yield control no need to use a positive epsilon. Indeed time.sleep 0 MEANS yield to whatever other thread may..