

python Programming Glossary: equations

How to set up and solve simultaneous equations in python


to set up and solve simultaneous equations in python For a fixed integer n I have a set of 2 n 1 simultaneous.. For a fixed integer n I have a set of 2 n 1 simultaneous equations as follows. M p 1 n p 1 n M n 1 2 n N p 1 p 1 n M p 1 N p 1.. the answer should be M 1 4 I believe. This is because the equations become M 1 1 2 2 N 0 N 0 1 1 2 M 1 Therefore M 1 2 1 1 and so..

ode integration in python versus mathematica results


out that NDSolve for ODE is using Runge Kutta to solve the equations. How can I use the Runge Kutta method on my python code to solve.. X1Y1data CSV python mathematica precision differential equations share improve this question If at this point your problem..

Integrate stiff ODEs with Python


these solvers give you the option of solving some of the equations algebraically. Otherwise a good Runge Kutta solver like DVERK..

Is it possible to plot implicit equations using Matplotlib?


it possible to plot implicit equations using Matplotlib many thanks again to people who have kindly.. to my previous question . I would like to plot implicit equations of the form f x y g x y eg. x^y y^x in Matplotlib. Is this possible..

Decimal place issues with floats and decimal.Decimal


to solve using gauss seidel so I need to rearrange the equations for x y and z x 11 2y 1z 4 y 6 x 3z 5 z 7 2x 2y 7 Here is the.. x 3z 5 z 7 2x 2y 7 Here is the code I use to rearrange the equations. b is a matrix of coefficients and y is the answer vector def.. is a matrix of coefficients and y is the answer vector def equations b y i 0 eqn row while i len b j 0 row while j len b if i j..

fitting exponential decay with no initial guessing


a linear inversion It can solve a non linear system of equations. In your case this means that you don't have to know C beforehand...

Plotting implicit equations in 3d


implicit equations in 3d I'd like to plot implicit equation F x y z 0 in 3D. Is.. question You can trick matplotlib into plotting implicit equations in 3D. Just make a one level contour plot of the equation for..

Looking for a self-contained equation rendering library


Matplotlib has Python code to parse and display LaTeX equations using gl2ps. If I don't find anything else it seems possible..

How to approach number guessing game(with a twist) algorithm?


Also have a look at non negative values linear diphantine equations A question I asked a while ago. The accepted answer is a great..

How to solve a pair of nonlinear equations using Python?


to solve a pair of nonlinear equations using Python What's the best way to solve a pair of non linear.. Python What's the best way to solve a pair of non linear equations using Python. Numpy Scipy or Sympy eg x y^2 4 e^x xy 3 A code.. from scipy.optimize import fsolve import math def equations p x y p return x y 2 4 math.exp x x y 3 x y fsolve equations..