

python Programming Glossary: enqueue_output

Python subprocess output on windows?


import subprocess time from threading import Thread def enqueue_output out print Hello from enqueue_output for line in iter out.readline.. import Thread def enqueue_output out print Hello from enqueue_output for line in iter out.readline '' line line.rstrip r n print.. stdout subprocess.PIPE bufsize 1 thread Thread target enqueue_output args proc.stdout thread.daemon True thread.start time.sleep..

Running an interactive command from within python


import Queue import threading import subprocess def enqueue_output out queue for line in iter out.readline b'' queue.put line out.close.. True outQueue Queue errQueue Queue outThread Thread target enqueue_output args p.stdout outQueue errThread Thread target enqueue_output.. args p.stdout outQueue errThread Thread target enqueue_output args p.stderr errQueue outThread.daemon True errThread.daemon..

Non-blocking read on a subprocess.PIPE in python


3.x ON_POSIX 'posix' in sys.builtin_module_names def enqueue_output out queue for line in iter out.readline b'' queue.put line out.close.. PIPE bufsize 1 close_fds ON_POSIX q Queue t Thread target enqueue_output args p.stdout q t.daemon True # thread dies with the program..