

python Programming Glossary: env

Python output buffering


object that flushes after every write Set PYTHONUNBUFFERED env var sys.stdout os.fdopen sys.stdout.fileno 'w' 0 Is there any.. for a whole python process using python u or# usr bin env python u etc or by setting the environment variable PYTHONUNBUFFERED... python u or# usr bin env python u etc or by setting the environment variable PYTHONUNBUFFERED. You could also replace sys.stdout..

How do I capture SIGINT in Python?


your handler with signal.signal like this # usr bin env python import signal import sys def signal_handler signal frame..

Fastest way to list all primes below N in python


replaced by each of the method names. primes.py # usr bin env python import psyco psyco.full from math import sqrt ceil import..

Why do people write #!/usr/bin/env python on the first line of a Python script?


do people write # usr bin env python on the first line of a Python script It seems to me.. If you have several versions of Python installed usr bin env will ensure the interpreter used is the first one on your environment's.. will ensure the interpreter used is the first one on your environment's PATH . The alternative would be to hardcode something..

Python - Is a dictionary slow to find frequency of each character?


dict american english python Counter 0.5 seconds # usr bin env python3.1 import collections fileinput textwrap chars ch for.. Ants Aasma's answer modified to support unicode # usr bin env python import codecs itertools operator sys import numpy filename..

How do I get the path of the current executed file in python?


b.py __file__ a.py b.py os.getcwd C zzz a.py # usr bin env python import os sys print a.py sys.argv 0 sys.argv 0 print.. os.getcwd print execfile subdir b.py subdir b.py # usr bin env python import os sys print b.py sys.argv 0 sys.argv 0 print..

Stop reading process output in Python without hang?


hung share improve this question # usr bin env python Start process wait 2 seconds kill the process print all..

Editing specific line in text file in python


line in that text file Right now I have this # usr bin env python import io myfile open 'stats.txt' 'r' dan myfile.readline..

Single quotes vs. double quotes in Python [closed]


How to get console window width in python


ioctl call and that does not work too it checks for the environment variables some shells export for that. This will probably.. probably work on UNIX only. def getTerminalSize import os env os.environ def ioctl_GWINSZ fd try import fcntl termios struct.. work on UNIX only. def getTerminalSize import os env os.environ def ioctl_GWINSZ fd try import fcntl termios struct os cr..

Python rounding error with float numbers


So I created the following Python script # usr bin env python2.6 import sys n int sys.argv 1 for i in range 0 n 1 a..

Why is reading lines from stdin much slower in C++ than Python?


O3 o readline_test_cpp foo.cpp Python Equivalent # usr bin env python import time import sys count 0 start time.time for line..

How to create arrayType for WSDL in Python (using suds)?


object of type itinerary as array' Fault faultcode SOAP ENV Server faultstring Cannot use object of type itinerary as array..

Python GDAL package missing header file when installing via pip


Using PIP pip install no install GDAL Then cd into ENV build GDAL python setup.py build_ext include dirs usr include..

Python: cannot import urandom module (OS X)


usr sbin sbin usr local bin usr X11 bin usr local git bin ENV and PYTHONPATH are empty Now when I have a deeper look and do.. on Ubuntu. My bet is that somehow my PATH or PYTHONPATH or ENV variables are not set properly but I have no idea how to solve..

Trying to run simple monkeyrunner python script, 'importerror no module named os'


several times with no luck. Tried adding a PYTHONPATH ENV varaible no luck. Set the python install dir to be in the PATH.. no luck. Set the python install dir to be in the PATH ENV variable. Kind of at my wits end I think monkeyrunner runs on..

How to pass SOAP headers into python SUDS that are not defined in WSDL file


have the below header xml version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 SOAP ENV Envelope xmlns SOAP ENV http www.w3.org 2003 05 soap envelope.. version 1.0 encoding UTF 8 SOAP ENV Envelope xmlns SOAP ENV http www.w3.org 2003 05 soap envelope xmlns SOAP ENC http www.w3.org.. http www.w3.org 2003 05 soap encoding wsa MessageID SOAP ENV mustUnderstand true urn uuid 43268c01 f09c6 wsa MessageID SOAP..

Python virtualenv questions


my brain wrapped around it correctly. I ran virtualenv ENV and it created C WINDOWS system32 ENV . I then changed my PATH.. I ran virtualenv ENV and it created C WINDOWS system32 ENV . I then changed my PATH variable to include C WINDOWS system32.. changed my PATH variable to include C WINDOWS system32 ENV Scripts instead of C Python27 Scripts . Then I checked out Django..

Renaming a virtualenv folder without breaking it


it relocatable with the command virtualenv relocatable ENV This will make some of the files created by setuptools or distribute..