

python Programming Glossary: enumerate

Common pitfalls in Python [duplicate]


For will automate most iteration operations for you. Use enumerate if you really need both the index and the element. for i elem.. really need both the index and the element. for i elem in enumerate tab print i elem Be careful when using to check against True..

python: How to add property to a class dynamically?


vs 12 34 class C dict def __init__ self ks vs for i k in enumerate ks self k vs i setattr self k property lambda x vs i self.fn_readyonly..

Sorting text file by using Python


for it in iterables iterables i next it i it for i it in enumerate iterables if 'key' not in kwargs key operator.itemgetter 0 else..

Solving embarassingly parallel problems using Python multiprocessing


Parameters `csvfile` a `csv.reader` instance for i row in enumerate csvfile row int entry for entry in row yield i row def sum_rows.. sends a 'STOP' message for each worker. for i row in enumerate self.in_csvfile row int entry for entry in row self.inq.put..

Python - Is a dictionary slow to find frequency of each character?


a # pretty print counts unichr i v for i v in enumerate counts if v counts.sort key operator.itemgetter 1 print ' '.join..

*args and **kwargs? [duplicate]


For example def print_everything args for count thing in enumerate args ... print ' 0 . 1 '.format count thing ... print_everything..

Peak detection in a 2D array


#applying the detection and plotting results for i paw in enumerate paws detected_peaks detect_peaks paw pp.subplot 4 2 2 i 1 pp.imshow..

How can I improve my paw detection?


ax plt.gca # Group impacts by paw... for i dat_slice in enumerate data_slices dx dy dt dat_slice paw i 4 1 # Draw a bar over the.. to the first paw to hit the sensor x y for i region in enumerate data_slices dx dy dz region # Get x y center of slice... x0..

Is there a way to Convert Number words to Integers? Python


million billion trillion numwords and 1 0 for idx word in enumerate units numwords word 1 idx for idx word in enumerate tens numwords.. in enumerate units numwords word 1 idx for idx word in enumerate tens numwords word 1 idx 10 for idx word in enumerate scales.. in enumerate tens numwords word 1 idx 10 for idx word in enumerate scales numwords word 10 idx 3 or 2 0 current result 0 for word..

Using strides for an efficient moving average filter


return rolling_window_lastaxis a window for i win in enumerate window if win 1 a a.swapaxes i 1 a rolling_window_lastaxis a..

Accessing the index in Python for loops


pythonic. The better option is to use the builtin function enumerate for idx val in enumerate ints print idx val Check out PEP 279.. is to use the builtin function enumerate for idx val in enumerate ints print idx val Check out PEP 279 for more. share improve..

How to get line count cheaply in Python?


I do def file_len fname with open fname as f for i l in enumerate f pass return i 1 is it possible to do any better python text..

Python: simple list merging based on intersections


results next sets for e_set in sets to_update for i res in enumerate results if not e_set.isdisjoint res to_update.insert 0 i if.. data set m for m in data # Convert to sets for r row in enumerate data for num in row if num not in nums # New number tag it with..