

python Programming Glossary: encounter

How to debug C extensions for Python on Windows


Here is my version of the steps for anyone else who may encounter this problem. In case you haven't already be sure to setup the..

Creating a dictionary from a CSV file


and stuff the rows in the dictionary. Note that if you encounter a row with a duplicate date you will have to decide what to..

Handling Indian Languages in BeautifulSoup


I've got everything working except my code breaks when I encounter the hindi titles in the page I linked to. My code so far is..

plotting correlation matrix using python


of a 1000x1000 correlation matrix which didn't encounter memory issues on my humble laptop Note that although row 20..

python 2.6 or python 3.1?


have the same library support yet as Python 2.6 so you'll encounter difficulties working with existing software projects. If you're..

Python: How Do I Read A Single Letter From A Specific Line From A TXT [closed]


print line 0 If you wish to break out of the loop when you encounter an empty line then you do this with open filename r as f for..

Google apps login in django


So if you use standard library like python openid you will encounter some problems. To solve those problems you have to patch python..

Is there a way to circumvent Python list.append() becoming progressively slower in a loop as the list grows?


it's only when the garbage collector cycles that we encounter the pathological behavior. You can observe this in this histogram..

Recommendation for python form validation library [closed]


but it generally takes care of the 80 use cases you might encounter so it's good enough. FormEncode Tried and true since 2005. Its..

Getting Python under control on Mac OS X - setting up environment and libraries


because the use of framework builds makes it common to encounter multiple instances of even the same major version of Python...

Python: Memory Limit?


150mb big. Depending on the size of the file I sometimes encounter a MemoryError . Can more memory be assigned to the python So.. . Can more memory be assigned to the python So I don't encounter the error EDIT Code now below NOTE The file sizes can vary greatly..

Regex for links in html text


links ought to be well defined but the HTML you actually encounter is very unlikely to be standard. The beauty of BeautifulSoup..

How to sort my paws?


about my heuristics as they would fail on me as soon as I encounter a variation I hadn ™t thought off. They also won ™t be able to..

Writing text with carriage return to image in Python using PIL


the PIL. Everything this is working fine except for when I encounter strings with carriage returns in them. I need to preserve the..

Is this an appropriate use of python's built-in hash function?


into a 128bit space which makes it unlikely you'll ever encounter a collision at all unless you're specifically looking for one...

What does += mean in Python?


assignment statements If this is the first time you encounter the operator you may wonder why it matters that it may modify..

pypi UserWarning: Unknown distribution option: 'install_requires'


Unknown distribution option 'install_requires' Any body encounter this warning when execute Python setup.py of a pypi package..

Scrapy 's Scrapyd too slow with scheduling spiders


too slow with scheduling spiders I am running Scrapyd and encounter a weird issue when launching 4 spiders at the same time. 2012..