

python Programming Glossary: endblock

Whats the best way to duplicate data in a django template?


data in a django template html head title block title endblock title head body h1 block title endblock h1 body html This is.. title block title endblock title head body h1 block title endblock h1 body html This is my template more or less. The h1 heading.. I had it set up like this base.html title block title endblock title then in base_view.html extending base.html h1 block title..

html to pdf for a Django site


Insert javascript at top of including file in Jinja 2


x.html html head script type text javascript block head_js endblock script head body include y.html body html y.html macro js extend.. super try caller catch e my.log.error e.name e.message endblock endmacro Some ... div id abc text div ... call js jquery parlance.. basis macro such as macro js2 block head_js ... something endblock endmacro I get the following exception jinja2.exceptions.TemplateAssertionError..

Django: how do you serve media / stylesheets and link to them within templates


Within my template head title block title DSO Template endblock title meta http equiv Content Type content text html charset..

Django: Redirect to previous page after login
