

python Programming Glossary: encounters

Import Error. Circular References


bar which tries to load moduleA but the first thing it encounters in moduleA is from moduleB import foo which sends it back to..

python closure with assigning outer variable inside inner function


the interpreter has to look up every variable reference it encounters. If the variable was found to be local during compilation it..

Django - specify which model manager Django admin should use


Manager objects take note that the first Manager Django encounters in the order in which they're defined in the model has a special..

How to trouble-shoot HDFStore Exception: cannot find the correct atom type


because that's the maximum of the the first chunk. When it encounters a longer text field in subsequent chunks it throws the exception...

Django: manage.py does not print stack trace for errors


In Django most of the time when I run manage.py and it encounters an error I don't get the full stack trace for the error just.. in commands. The only exception I found is runserver which encounters the same errors as the other commands but prints the full stack..

Why do attribute references act like this with Python inheritance?


when the class is defined i.e. when the interpreter encounters the class statement not when the instance is created think static..

How to read a CSV line with "?


the field separator newline as record separator. When it encounters an opening quote it goes into read quoted field state where..

Print the full traceback in python (without halting the program)


readily used in numpy. There are TONS of errors this file encounters through bad links poorly formed xml missing entries and other..

Automatically Generating Documentation for All Python Package Contents


generate documentation for every class method function it encounters without having to manually list every class yourself python..

Compute a compounded return series in Python


i 1 should be non zero. Every time the list comprehension encounters a zero in the daily_return series it essentially restarts. ..

Why does Python not perform type conversion when concatenating strings?


not automatically try using the str function when it encounters concatenation of these types python string type conversion.. not automatically try using the int function when it encounters addition of these types This is exactly the loose typing problem..

Is OptionParser in conflict with sphinx?


documentation for my project in sphinx and whenever sphinx encounters OptionParser in my module it gives me sphinx build error no..

What's the difference between a Python “property” and “attribute”?


are a special kind of attribute. Basically when Python encounters the following code spam SomeOjbect print spam.eggs it looks..

Python: Mixing files and loops


program and restarts the program where it left off when it encounters an error. For whatever reasons the developers of this program..

Good uses for mutable function argument default values?


a good use case for this syntax I mean if everybody who encounters it makes the same mistake debugs it understands the issue and..

Throughput differences when using coroutines vs threading


in memory and the other green thread takes over until it encounters some sort of a blocking I O call. Hopefully I got this right..