

python Programming Glossary: endfor

CSRF verification failed. Request aborted


steps pre b for t in top_list pre t.name t.total_steps pre endfor ul else p No data available. p endif br form action steps_count..

How to generate an html directory list using Python


if item.children ul loop item.children ul endif li endfor ul To test it visit http localhost 8888 import os from flask..

how to access dictionary element in django template?


for choice in choices choice.choice votes choice.id br endfor it raises an exception with this message Could not parse the.. do for choice in choices choice.choice choice.votes br endfor The template tag is IMHO a bit overkill for this solution but..

Streaming data with Python and Flask


html to pdf for a Django site


head body div for item in mylist RENDER MY CONTENT endfor div div id footerContent block page_foot Page pdf pagenumber..

how to add <div> tag instead of <li>


types.checkbox_field div class deletelist field br div endfor It is producing the html like this ul li label for id_checkbox_field_0..

Getting object value for AJAX call using Dajaxice


Dajax.process Vote as Favourite button div endfor I'm using dajaxice dajax for my AJAX call. This is what I've..

Django - Iterate over model instance field names and values in template


field in fields tr td field.name td td field.value td tr endfor table Is there a neat Django approved way to do this It seems..

Django, template context processors


for foo in foos option value foo.slug foo.name option endfor select And lastly my url r'^ ' 'myapp.views.index_view' My foos..

Django Templates and variable attributes


center th user th for item in result.items th item th endfor tr for user in result.users tr align center td user.name td.. td user.name td for item in result.items td user.item td endfor tr endfor table now the django manual states that when it sees.. td for item in result.items td user.item td endfor tr endfor table now the django manual states that when it sees a . in..

Using Django time/date widgets in custom form


POST table for f in form tr td f.name td td f td tr endfor table input type submit name submit value Add Product form Also..

Django template can't loop defaultdict


firstname in data.items h1 lastname h1 p firstname join p endfor But the loop in my template doesn't work. Nothing shows up...

Dynamically adding a form to a Django formset with Ajax


'table' table class 'no_error' form.as_table table div endfor input type button value Add More id add_more script '#add_more'..

how to create counter loop in django template?


1 h1 p This is the content of tab 1 on container 1 p div endfor python django django templates share improve this question..

webapp2 + jinja2: How can i get uri_for() working in jinja2-views


wrote endif blockquote greeting.content escape blockquote endfor form action sign method post div textarea name content rows..

Rendering JSON objects using a Django template after an Ajax call


results block results for el in items li el capfirst li endfor endblock div br ........ By importing in your view file the..