

python Programming Glossary: endings

How to properly send HTTP response with Python using socket library only?


finally sock.settimeout prev_timeout def normalize_line_endings s r'''Convert string containing various line endings like n.. s r'''Convert string containing various line endings like n r or r n to uniform n.''' return ''.join line ' n' for.. are divided with n n or r n r n that's why we # normalize endings . In real application usage you should handle # all variations..

Parsing large (20GB) text file with python - reading in 2 lines as 1


line else lstIgnoredRows.append row I've checked the line endings in the source file and they check out as line feeds ascii char..

Why does Python say this Netscape cookie file isn't valid?


there newlines that need to be included I changed the line endings to Unix style just in case but that didn't solve the problem...

Downloading text files with Python and ftplib.FTP from z/os


have a fixed record structure rather than relying on line endings as record separators. However the z os FTP server when transmitting.. server when transmitting in text mode provides the record endings which retrlines strips off. Closing update Here's my revised..

Porter Stemmer Algorithm Not returning the expected output? when modified into def


for removing the commoner morphological and inflexional endings from words in English. Its main use is as part of a term normalisation..

Python CGI returning an http status code, such as 403?


Python file.tell() giving strange numbers?


It's a documented behaviour caused by UNIX style line endings file.tell Return the file ™s current position like stdio 's ftell.. after an fgets when reading files with Unix style line endings. Use binary mode 'rb' to circumvent this problem. The above.. indeed I got a negative number but that file has Unix line endings. This is documented at http docs.python.org 2 library stdtypes.html#file.tell..

what is the true difference between lemmatization vs stemming?


analysis of words normally aiming to remove inflectional endings only and to return the base or dictionary form of a word which..

Unable to read huge (20GB) file from CPython


by taking chunk of the big one During that operation line endings changed from CR to CRLF so what I saw was the first line. All.. All of that made me think that problem is not in line endings. Thank you all for time and help. python file io share improve..

Python get proper line ending


ending that the current operating system uses python line endings share improve this question If you are operating on a file..

Reversing a regular expression in python


a reasonable subset and I ignored some details like line endings. Error handling etc. is left as an exercise to the reader. Of..

Python in Xcode 4 or Xcode 5


^ ˜R . Other Notes To change the text encoding line endings and or indentation settings open the Utilities panel and click..

Python: email get_payload decode fails when hitting equal sign?


email share improve this question You have a line endings problem. The body of your test message uses bare carriage returns.. returns r without newlines n . If you fix up the line endings before parsing the email it all works import email re data file..