

python Programming Glossary: eng

Is there a Perl or Python library for ID3 metadata?


dedicated_to mp3 select_id3v2_frame_by_descr 'COMM fre fra eng #0 dedicated to ' mp3 title_set 'New title' # Edit in memory..

Print number in engineering format


number in engineering format I am trying to print a number into engineering.. in engineering format I am trying to print a number into engineering format with python but I cannot seem to get it to work... x decimal.Decimal 1000000 print x 1000000 print x.to_eng_string 1000000 I cannot figure out why this is. The two values..

Python - pyparsing unicode characters


2 x number . src w number . number If there is only english characters it is working so the code is correct for the.. the form 671.assess ahsaas 2 i.e. it parses words in the english format but I am not sure how to parse and then print characters.. nums x number . src trans number . number #parsing for eng dict efiledata open 'b1aop_or_not_word.txt' .read eresults x.parseString..