

python Programming Glossary: enable

Why (0-6) is -6 = False? [duplicate]


internally it also allows you to configure whether to enable this integer caching and even set the lower and upper bounds...

Python subprocess readlines() hangs


ruby ruby_sleep.rb logfile sys.stdout Or stdbuf to enable line buffering in non interactive mode from subprocess import.. STDOUT master_fd slave_fd pty.openpty # provide tty to enable # line buffering on ruby's side proc Popen 'ruby' 'ruby_sleep.rb'..

“Large data” work flows using pandas


create new columns save these. Giving a toy example could enable us to offer more specific recommendations. After that processing.. on certain data columns makes row subsetting much faster . enable compression. Let me know when you have questions share improve..

Force Python to forego native sqlite3 and use the (installed) latest sqlite3 version


'sqlite3.Connection' object has no attribute 'enable_load_extension' I have 'easy_install' ed the latest sqlite3.. 3.6.13. In this version the Connection should have the 'enable_load_extension' attribute. What I think is going on is that.. to change if you move from one version to the other. Note enable_load_extension first appeared in pysqlite2 2.5.0. EDIT enable_load_extension..

Google Search from a Python App


If there isn't does anyone know which Google API will enable me to do this. THanks python api google search api share..

How to make a python, command-line program autocomplete arbitrary things NOT interpreter


to do which is slightly different. I need to know how to enable tab auto completion of arbitrary items in a command line program..

Read/Write Python Closures


things that would otherwise take a lot of code and often enable us to write code that is more elegant and more clear. In Python..

ropemacs USAGE tutorial


load pymacs nil t pymacs load ropemacs rope setq ropemacs enable autoimport t require 'auto complete global auto complete mode..

Print in terminal with colors using Python?


work on unix linux including macOS and window provided you enable ansi.sys . There are ansi codes for setting the color moving..

What is the fastest way to parse large XML docs in Python?


on the root element. The easiest way to do this is to enable start events and save a reference to the first element in a..

Cannot pass an argument to python with “#!/usr/bin/env python”


question It is better to use environment variable to enable this. See python doc http docs.python.org 2 using cmdline.html..

Preserving styles using python's xlrd,xlwt, and xlutils.copy


question There are two parts to this. First you must enable the reading of formatting info when opening the source workbook...

Is there a matplotlib equivalent of MATLAB's datacursormode?


as mpldatacursor . Calling mpldatacursor.datacursor will enable it for all matplotlib artists including basic support for z..

How to terminate a python subprocess launched with shell=True


share improve this question Use a process group so as to enable sending a signal to all the process in the groups. For that..

Old style and new style classes in Python


built in types or the introduction of descriptors which enable computed properties. For compatibility reasons classes are still..

Get HTML Source of WebElement in Selenium WebDriver (Python)


and I don't see anything in the code that seems to enable that functionality. Any thoughts on the best way to access the..

Getting all visible text from a webpage using Selenium


the inner text of Or a completely different way that would enable me to reach my goal Any help would be greatly appreciated as..

how to pip uninstall with virtualenv on heroku cedar stack?


option to purge the virtualenv heroku labs enable user env compile heroku config add CLEAN_VIRTUALENV true Currently..

getdefaultlocale returning None when running sync.db on Django project in PyCharm


and choose Django v1.4 Select Django project type Tick Enable Admin Open settings.py and add sqlite3 to DATABASES ENGINE Run..

Installing a django site on GoDaddy


works fine though it isn't the default version to be run. Enable SSH access on your site. Use the hosting panel to setup your..

How to build 64-bit Python on OS X 10.6 — ONLY 64 bit, no Universal nonsense


Disable Tkinter support which will break IDLE ucs4 Enable support for UCS4 universal Build for multiple architectures..

Debug Jinja2 in Google App Engine


if os.environ.get 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' '' .startswith 'Dev' # Enable ctypes for Jinja debugging from google.appengine.tools.dev_appserver.. if os.environ.get 'SERVER_SOFTWARE' '' .startswith 'Dev' # Enable ctypes for Jinja debugging import sys from google.appengine.tools.dev_appserver..

What is the difference between 'log' and 'symlog'?


try them import numpy from matplotlib import pyplot # Enable interactive mode pyplot.ion # Draw the grid lines pyplot.grid..

python qt, display text/label above another widget(phonon)


new QGraphicsView scene view setViewport new QGLWidget Enable hardware acceleration QGraphicsTextItem label new QGraphicsTextItem..

How do I disable a PyLint warning?


generate rcfile shows it like this MESSAGES CONTROL # Enable the message report category or checker with the given id s ...

Asp in python in IIS 7 is giving HTTP/1.1 500 Server Error


ASP Provided python with IUSR and gave IUSR full control Enabled œEnable 32 Bit Application to True didnt worked. python iis.. win32comext axscript client and run python pysript.py Enable 32 bit application for IIS7. Go to IIS7 and right click on Application.. Pools select Advanced Settings . Under General make Enable 32 Bit Application to True Add IIS_IUSRS IUSR or USERS to your..

Step by step setting up python with pip and virtualenv?


export PIP_DOWNLOAD_CACHE HOME .pip_download_cache fi # Enable virtualenvwrapper if x PY_FW DEFAULT_PY bin virtualenvwrapper.sh..

How to SWIG in VS2010?


c Linker Output File Path You Needed _mylib.pyd d Linker Enable Incremental Linking set as No INCREMENTAL NO e Linker Input..

Python variable assigned by an outside module is accessible for printing but not for assignment in the target module


3. index.py # Import modules import sys import cgitb # Enable error reporting cgitb.enable #cgitb.enable display 0 logdir..

How do I format positional argument help using Python's optparse?


usage parser.add_option ' f' ' foo' dest 'foo' help 'Enable foo' parser.add_positional_argument Option ' bar' action 'store_true'.. h help show this help message and exit f FOO foo FOO Enable foo Positional Arguments bar The bar positional argument baz..

Script to change ip address on windows


nic_configs wmi.WMI .Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration IPEnabled True # First network adaptor nic nic_configs 0 # IP address.. # Set IP address subnetmask and default gateway # Note EnableStatic and SetGateways methods require lists of values to be.. methods require lists of values to be passed nic.EnableStatic IPAddress ip SubnetMask subnetmask nic.SetGateways DefaultIPGateway..

How can I implement a C++ class in Python, to be called by C++?


SWIG generated C file #include iostream #include myif.h Enable cross language polymorphism in the SWIG wrapper. It's pretty..

How to debug: Internal Error current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block


SQL statement failed to execute. In this case you should Enable SQL logging see the following snippet to paste in settings.py..