

python Programming Glossary: emits

design of python: why is assert a statement and not a function?


The docs also say that The current code generator emits no code for an assert statement when optimization is requested..

latin-1 to ascii


'ae ' ae print 'ud ' ud print 'tr ' tr Run as main this emits or WikipĂ©dia le projet d ™encyclopĂ©die ae Wikipedia le projet..

Python web scraping involving HTML tags with attributes


print thetd.string On the HTML you give running this emits exactly ####I want whatever is located here ### which appears..

Format floats with standard json module


print json.dumps 23.67 print json.dumps 23.67 23.97 23.87 emits 23.67 23.67 23.97 23.87 as you desire. Obviously there should..

Python: removing characters except digits from string


k DD Del x 'aaa12333bb445bb54b5b52' x.translate DD also emits '1233344554552' . However putting this in xx.py we have... python3.1..

Simple example of how to use ast.NodeVisitor?


. So for example... x v t ast.parse 'd x v y x ' x.visit t emits Module AugAssign Subscript Name Load Index Name Load Store Add..

Python most common element in a list


print most_common 'goose' 'duck' 'duck' 'goose' emits SL 'duck' 1 'duck' 2 'goose' 0 'goose' 3 item 'duck' count 2..

Python 3.1.1 with --enable-shared : will not build any extensions


python 3.1 just fine but when built as a shared library it emits many warnings see below and refuses to build any of the c based..

What are Python metaclasses useful for?


For example if you want a class object X such that print X emits Time is now 8 46am at 8 46 am or more generally the current..

Using Beautiful Soup Python module to replace tags with plain text


soup.findAll text lambda x len x 20 print results which emits python bs.py u' n some long text goes here ' u' and hopefully..

Is there any way to create a class property in Python?


python multithreading for dummies


on the queue to wait until one of them has done a put then emits the results and terminates which takes down any subthreads that..

Gstreamer of python's gst.LinkError problem


until the pads are created and then link them. decodebin emits a signal new decoded pad to tell you when this happens this..