

python Programming Glossary: enc

Encrypt & Decrypt using PyCrypto AES 256


accept two parameters the message and the key and then encrypt decrypt it. I found several link on the web to help me out.. one of them has flaws http www.codekoala.com blog 2009 aes encryption python using pycrypto It uses os.urandom and this is.. what exactly is the IV Can I provide a different IV for encrypting and decrypting or will this return in a different result..

Best way to decode unknown unicoding encoding in Python 2.5


way to decode unknown unicoding encoding in Python 2.5 Have I got that all the right way round.. I am parsing a lot of html but I don't always know what encoding it's meant to be a surprising number lie about it . The.. import Error class UnicodingError Error pass # these encodings should be in most likely order to save time encodings..

How to join two wav file using python?


You could use audiolab import audiolab scipy a fs enc audiolab.wavread 'file1.wav' b fs enc audiolab.wavread 'file2.wav'.. audiolab scipy a fs enc audiolab.wavread 'file1.wav' b fs enc audiolab.wavread 'file2.wav' c scipy.vstack a b audiolab.wavwrite..

Python: Ignore 'Incorrect padding' error when base64 decoding


when base64 decoding I have some data that is base64 encoded that I want to convert back to binary even if there is a.. try openssl. The following command worked a treat openssl enc d base64 in b64string out binary_data python base64 share.. error it probably means your string is corrupted base64 encoded strings should have a multiple of four length. You can try..

py2exe to generate dlls?


Getting started with secure AWS CloudFront streaming with Python


self connection None origin '' enabled False caller_reference '' cnames None comment '' trusted_signers None DistributionConfig.__init__.. connection origin origin enabled enabled caller_reference caller_reference cnames cnames comment comment trusted_signers.. origin enabled enabled caller_reference caller_reference cnames cnames comment comment trusted_signers trusted_signers..

How to pass SOAP headers into python SUDS that are not defined in WSDL file


SOAP ENV http www.w3.org 2003 05 soap envelope xmlns SOAP ENC http www.w3.org 2003 05 soap encoding wsa MessageID SOAP ENV.. 'SessionID' ns ssnns .setText '123' .addPrefix p 'SOAP ENC' u 'http www.w3.org 2003 05 soap encoding' The p 'SOAP ENC'.. ENC' u 'http www.w3.org 2003 05 soap encoding' The p 'SOAP ENC' can be any prefix eg. wsa and the u http address is the address..

Problem with M2Crypto's AES


PM import M2Crypto from base64 import b64encode b64decode ENC 1 DEC 0 def AES_build_cipher key iv op ENC return M2Crypto.EVP.Cipher.. b64decode ENC 1 DEC 0 def AES_build_cipher key iv op ENC return M2Crypto.EVP.Cipher alg 'aes_128_cbc' key key iv iv.. function def encrypt data cipher AES_build_cipher key iv ENC v cipher.update data v v cipher.final del cipher v b64encode..