

python Programming Glossary: emit

Why is `self` in Python objects immutable?


object def __new__ cls return 5 t Test print t This does emit 5 . The __new__ __init__ behavior in Python is an example of..

Python: Get Mount Point on Windows or Linux


is the least painful way mountvol drive path L should emit the mounted volume name for the specified path or just mountvol..

MapReduce results seem limited to 100?


code and some sample outputs var M function book this.book emit book count 1 var R function key values var sum 0 values.forEach..

Python: is using “..%(var)s..” % locals() a good practice?


AKA L10n you want your application to be able to emit Hello Paul in certain countries and cultures Hola Paul in some..

Elegant setup of Python logging in Django


#someutils.py class NullHandler logging.Handler def emit self record pass null_handler NullHandler and ensure that an..

Python: eliminating stack traces into library code?


The traceback module in Python's standard library lets you emit error tracebacks in a way that accords to your liking while.. you never want to see in your tracebacks and finally emit the remaining lines typically to sys.stderr but whatever . ..

XML instance generation from XML schema (xsd) [closed]


How to write custom python logging handler?


on one line for selected messages on_same_line False def emit self record try msg self.format record stream self.stream same_line.. it should stay on one line. There is more logic in the emit method to handle changes between messages that should stay on..

Tkinter set cursor position?


terribly useful yet. The best I've been able to do is emit a Button 1 and ButtonRelease 1 event at a certain x y coordinate..

How to continue a task when Fabric receives an error


failure with say the settings context manager Fabric will emit a warning message but continue executing. Looks like you can..

Hadoop Streaming: Mapper 'wrapping' a binary executable


and many of them either don ™t take STDIN or don't emit STDOUT in a ˜useable fashion e.g. only sent it to files . These..

Emitting namespace specifications with ElementTree in Python


specifications with ElementTree in Python I am trying to emit an XML file with element tree that contains an XML declaration..

Is it possible to generate and return a ZIP file with App Engine?


'attachment filename outfile.zip ' # compress files and emit them directly to HTTP response stream with closing ZipFile self.response.out..

memory-efficient built-in SqlAlchemy iterator/generator?


that refer to chunks of the table I want to select. I then emit individual SELECT statements that each pull from one of those..

Creating a logging handler to connect to Oracle?


time.strftime # m d Y# time.localtime record.created def emit self record try #use default formatting self.format record #now..

Make an animated wave with drawPolyline in PySide/PyQt


from the example above into a QThread . This QThread would emit a custom signal like waveUpdate QPolygonF . When you start this.. handle creating the QPolygonF and on each step it would emit the signal and sleep. You could connect this signal to a method..

Why NumPy instead of Python lists?
