

python Programming Glossary: embedding

Python hashable dicts


dictionary. Just remember not to mutate them after embedding in another dictionary for obvious reasons. class hashabledict..

Why does PyImport_Import fail to load a module from the current directory?


a module from the current directory I'm trying to run the embedding example and I can't load a module from the current working directory.. lib pymodules python2.7 python linux python 2.7 python embedding share improve this question You need to call PySys_SetArgv..

C++ with Python embedding: crash if Python not installed


with Python embedding crash if Python not installed I'm developing on Windows and.. alongside the executable. It works great. My extension and embedding code definitely works and there are no crashes. I sent the run.. how to distribute your C C applications that use Python embedding without having the users install Python locally. I know it's..

Which is the recommended way to plot: matplotlib or pylab?


and depends a bit on what you are doing. If you are not embedding in a gui either using a non interactive backend for bulk scripts.. matplotlib.pyplot as plt is a good start. If you are embedding matplotlib in a gui you don't want to import pyplot as that..

Running compiled python (py2exe) as administrator in Vista


a .RES file. I don't know what facilities py2exe has for embedding custom .RES files so you might need to use the MT.EXE tool from..

embedding short python scripts inside a bash script


short python scripts inside a bash script I'd like to embed..

Lua as a general-purpose scripting language?


When I see Lua the only thing I ever read is great for embedding fast lightweight and more often than anything else World of.. World of Warcraft or in short WoW . Why is it limited to embedding the whole thing into another application Why not write general..

Can Cython compile to an EXE?


that name suggests a better search than I first tried embedding cython leads to this page which sounds like what you want. ..

Is it good style to call bash commands within a Python script using os.system(“bash code”)?


this case what should I do python security bash scripting embedding share improve this question First of all your example uses..

matplotlib Update a Plot


100 y np.sin x # You probably won't need this if you're embedding things in a tkinter plot... plt.ion fig plt.figure ax fig.add_subplot..

How To catch python stdout in c++ code


output Thaks Alex c python redirect python c api python embedding share improve this question If I'm reading your question..

Is there a “safe” subset of Python for use as an embedded scripting language?


Is there a subset of Python that is deemed safe for embedding I realize how safe it can be considered is fairly subjective...

Tkinter - when do I need to call mainloop?


correctly without having to call mainloop. This example of embedding matplotlib graphics in tkinter produces a relatively complex..

why is plotting with Matplotlib so slow?


really worried about smooth animations you're usually embedding matplotlib plots in some sort of gui toolkit anyway so this..

How can I implement a C++ class in Python, to be called by C++?


myfunc 5 std endl For now I'll look at the problem without embedding Python in your application i.e. you start excetion in Python.. std endl Py_Finalize return 0 It's basically just standard embedding Python in another application . It works and gives exactly what..

Embedding a matplotlib figure inside a WxPython panel


a matplotlib figure inside a WxPython panel How do I embed..

GTK window capture: VPython (OpenGL) application


gtk.main gtk.threads_leave def main thread print Embedding OpenGL VPython into GTK GUI queue Queue.Queue thread 'OpenGL'..

run a simple python script in ios


Embedding IPython Qt console in a PyQt application


IPython Qt console in a PyQt application I'd like to embed..

Integration of Python console into a GUI C++ application


and signal slot connections across threads. References Embedding Python into Qt Applications . Notes for embedding python in..

Why should I learn Python? [closed]


memory management Links to other dynamic languages Embedding into other languages Nice py2exe program that converts python..

Selecting An Embedded Language


Yes tons. Lua and Python seems to be the most popular Embedding Lua http www.lua.org pil 24.html Why is Lua considered a game.. game language Lua as a general purpose scripting language Embedding Python http docs.python.org extending embedding.html Embedding.. Python http docs.python.org extending embedding.html Embedding Tcl http wiki.tcl.tk 3474 http wiki.tcl.tk 2265 Embedding Ruby..

Can Cython compile to an EXE?


to do something like what you want according to the Embedding Pyrex HOWTO . Pyrex is effectively a previous generation of..

running jython bytecode using java


jython bytecode share improve this question See FAQ Embedding Jython . Note that jythonc is no longer supported jythonc doesn't..

Embedding Python in C: Having problems importin local modules


Python in C Having problems importin local modules I'm needing.. c import module embedding share improve this question Embedding the Python library does not add '' to sys.path like the interactive..

cannot change font to Helvetica in Matplotlib in Python on Mac OS X 10.6


site packages matplotlib mpl data fonts ttf Vera.ttf Embedding font Library Frameworks Python.framework Versions 6.2 lib python2.6..

Embedding Python in an iPhone app


Python in an iPhone app So it's a new millennium Apple has..

Embedding Python on Windows: why does it have to be a DLL?


Python on Windows why does it have to be a DLL I'm trying to..

Embedding a Python shell inside a Python program


a Python shell inside a Python program I am making a sort of..

How can I implement a C++ class in Python, to be called by C++?


200.0 10 Exactly what you'd hope to see from that test. Embedding the Python in the application Next up we need to implement a..