

python Programming Glossary: elt

Lazy infinite sequences in Clojure and Python


Python How to I check if last element has been reached in iterator tool chain?


last element has been reached in iterator tool chain for elt in itertools.chain.from_iterable node if elt is the last element.. chain for elt in itertools.chain.from_iterable node if elt is the last element do statement How do I achieve this python.. share improve this question When the loop ends the elt variable doesn't go out of scope and still holds the last value..

Remove adjacent duplicate elements from a list


Parsing HTML with Lxml


'http bit.ly bf1T12' doc lh.parse urllib2.urlopen url for elt in doc.iter 'td' text elt.text_content if text.startswith 'Additional.. lh.parse urllib2.urlopen url for elt in doc.iter 'td' text elt.text_content if text.startswith 'Additional Info' blurb text.. text.startswith 'Additional Info' blurb text for node in elt.itersiblings 'td' for subnode in node.iter for text in text_tail..

Efficient way to count unique elements in array in numpy/scipy in Python


from collections import defaultdict d defaultdict int for elt in a d elt 1 is there a better more efficient way thanks. python.. import defaultdict d defaultdict int for elt in a d elt 1 is there a better more efficient way thanks. python numpy..

Efficient way to iterate throught xml elements


None del elem.getparent 0 del context def process_element elt print elt.text context etree.iterparse io.BytesIO xml events.. elem.getparent 0 del context def process_element elt print elt.text context etree.iterparse io.BytesIO xml events 'end' tag..

Getting all visible text from a webpage using Selenium


content with open ' tmp result.txt' 'w' as f for elt in doc.iterdescendants if elt.tag in ignore_tags continue text.. result.txt' 'w' as f for elt in doc.iterdescendants if elt.tag in ignore_tags continue text elt.text or '' tail elt.tail.. if elt.tag in ignore_tags continue text elt.text or '' tail elt.tail or '' words ' '.join text tail .strip..