

python Programming Glossary: eigenvalues

Why do NumPy and SciPy have a lot of the same functions? Which should I prefer? [duplicate]


found for example that numpy.linalg.eig returned incorrect eigenvalues for a complex matrix whereas scipy.linalg.eig returned correct..

Numpy running at half the speed of MATLAB


example Numpy is calculating both the eigenvectors and eigenvalues so it will take roughly twice longer which is consistent with.. your slowdown use np.linalg.eigvals to compute only the eigenvalues . In the end np.linalg.eig is a tiny wrapper around dgeev and..

Numerical Integration over a Matrix of Functions, SymPy and SciPy


k1 74 lambdifying and integrating k2 2 extracting eigenvalues 0 Related questions about lambdify python scipy sympy symbolic..

Integrate stiff ODEs with Python


Be sure you really have a stiff system i.e. if the rates eigenvalues differ by more than 2 or 3 orders of magnitude. Also if the..

whats the fastest way to find eigenvalues/vectors in python?


the fastest way to find eigenvalues vectors in python Currently im using numpy which does the job... In scipy.linalg there are several functions to calculate eigenvalues the differences are not large though by careful choice of the.. though by careful choice of the function to calculate eigenvalues you should see a performance boost. For instance scipy.linalg.eig..

numpy arbitrary precision linear algebra


array medium large sized say 500x500 . I want to find the eigenvalues of the element wise exponent of it. The problem is that some..

sort eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors after using numpy.linalg.eig in python


eigenvalues and associated eigenvectors after using numpy.linalg.eig in.. in python I'm using numpy.linalg.eig to obtain a list of eigenvalues and eigenvectors A someMatrixArray from numpy.linalg import.. solution 0 eigenVectors solution 1 I would like to sort my eigenvalues e.g. from lowest to highest in a way I know what is the associated..