

python Programming Glossary: eg

How to remove convexity defects in a Sudoku square?


. Check next image warp the image to a perfect square eg image Perform OCR for which I used the method I have given in.. largest convex area components ComponentMeasurements ColorNegate@Binarize srcAdjusted ConvexArea Mask All 2 largestComponent..

Should you always favor xrange() over range()?


going forward. range can actually be faster in some cases eg. if iterating over the same sequence multiple times. xrange.. sequence multiple times. xrange has to reconstruct the integer object every time but range will have real integer objects... the integer object every time but range will have real integer objects. It will always perform worse in terms of memory however..

listing all functions in a python module


on that class. Is there something similar in python eg. something like from somemodule import foo print foo.methods..

String similarity metrics in Python


contraints. I want to do fuzzy matches between strings. eg matches 'Hello All you people' 'hello all You peopl' should.. people' 'hello all You peopl' should return True False negatives are acceptable False positives except in extremely rare..

Use different Python version with virtualenv


instance to specify the Python executable you want to use eg virtualenv p usr bin python2.6 path to new virtualenv share..

SendKeys for Python 3.1 on Windows


For SciTE I had to put in the whole window title eg test.txt SciTE but for Notepad and Notepad2 only the app name.. SciTE but for Notepad and Notepad2 only the app name eg Notepad . ''' import ctypes as ct from win32con import SW_MINIMIZE.. True window1.ShowWindow SW_RESTORE sleep 0.2 window1.SetForegroundWindow sleep 0.2 window1.SetFocus sleep 0.2 rv ct.windll.user32.SendInput..

Python try…except comma vs 'as' in except


the difference between ' ' and 'as' in except statements eg try pass except Exception exception pass and try pass except.. except Exception as exception pass Is the second syntax legal in 2.6 It works in CPython 2.6 on Windows but the 2.5 interpreter..

Sqlite / SQLAlchemy: how to enforce Foreign Keys?


# should be print pysqlite2.__path__ # eg C Python26 lib site packages pysqlite2 Next add a PoolListener..

Why use pip over easy_install?


authors mostly If an author uploads crap source tarball eg missing files no setup.py to PyPI then both pip and easy_install.. programmatically. Packages don ™t have to be installed as egg archives they can be installed flat while keeping the egg metadata.. egg archives they can be installed flat while keeping the egg metadata . Native support for other version control systems..

How to bind self events in Tkinter Text widget after it will binded by Text widget?


of a widget for example Entry the path of the root window eg . and the special tag all . Widgets are assigned a set of bindtags..

Why are there no ++ and --??operators in Python?


old Python mailing lists or ask somebody who was there eg. Guido but it's easy enough to justify after the fact Simple..

How to install pip on windows?


which means it is not installed system wide see thegauraw's answer below http stackoverflow.com a 15915700 362951.. This is what languages that care about community do eg. Ruby with Gem Nodejs with Npm . More of this bitter rant at..

Python/Matplotlib - Is there a way to make a discontinuous axis?


I know you can join data over a discontinuity for eg financial data but I'd like to make the jump in the axis more..

Unable to install Python without sudo access


usr local bin python2.6 usr bin install cannot create regular file ` usr local bin python2.6' Permission denied make altbininstall.. home masi .local bin python Similarly if you have scripts eg. CGI that require your own user version of Python you have to.. user. If you compile something that links to Python eg. mod_wsgi you have to tell it where to find your Python or it..

Getting a python virtual env error after installing Lion


configuration commands from my shell startup scripts eg. .bash_profile . Start a new terminal session. optional Choose.. optional Choose the version of Python you wish to use eg. defaults write com.apple.versioner.python Version 2.6 sudo.. Python 2. site packages now requires administrator privileges. I don't recall that being the case in 10.6 or at least my..

How do I execute a string containing Python code in Python?


world When you need the value of an expression use eval . eg x eval 2 2 x 4 However the first step should be to ask yourself..

How to programmatically enable/disable network interfaces? (Windows XP)


XP. I'm looking for a python solution but any general way eg WMI some command line la netsh some windows call is welcome..

Match two lists of letters in Python


the order of letters appearance in that lists in Python Eg Think my first list is 'a' 'b' 'c' 'd' and I want to match this..

“Inner exception” (with traceback) in Python?


trace. It's quite easy in C# but how do I do it in Python Eg. in C# I would do something like this try ProcessFile filePath..

Django syncdb error: One or more models did not validate


to the foreignkey field definitions in your models. Eg class notes models.Model created_by models.ForeignKey User related_name..

What is the fastest (to access) struct-like object in Python?


However you'll pay the price on the index lookups then. Eg here's a quick implementation def makestruct name fields fields..

Is there a cross-platform way of getting information from Python's OSError


the various error codes can be found in the errno module. Eg. import os errno try os.mkdir 'test' except OSError e if e.errno..

Dictionary or If statements, Jython


use a handler class with methods named to match the type. Eg class MyHandler object def handle_extractTitle self dom # do..

How to switch backends in matplotlib / Python


is only expected to work switching to an image backend. Eg if you have a bunch of PostScript scripts that you want to run..

How to sort a Python dict by value


to convert it DESC and create a list of just the keywords. Eg this would return keyword3 keyword1 keyword4 keyword2 All examples..

IOError: request data read error


atleast 3. Other people seem to have had the same issue. Eg. http stackoverflow.com questions 2641665 django upload failing..

Python+Celery: Chaining jobs?


jobs so the caller gets the result of the final job Eg to use the add example add3 add.subtask args 3 add.delay 1 2..

LLVM, Parrot, JVM, PyPy + python


in PyPy Why other VMs don't want to move to LLVM parrot. Eg ruby parrot CLR JVM LLVM. Wouldn't be better for them to move.. know. Why other VMs don't want to move to LLVM parrot. Eg ruby parrot CLR JVM LLVM. Wouldn't be better for them to move..

Python regex find all overlapping matches?


matches but I want every match in the number series. Eg. in 123456789123456789 I should get the following list 1234567891..

Named Entity Recognition for NLTK in Python. Identifying the NE


identify Named entities. The out put of this is a tree. Eg sentence I am Jhon from America sent1 nltk.word_tokenize sentence..

Python on IIS-how?


a directory to hold your development python scripts. Eg c dev python Set the permissions on the files in the directory..

Getting file path of imported module


imported in python. I am using Linux if it matters . Eg if I am in my home dir and import a module it should return..

Is possible to override the {…} notation so i get an OrderedDict() instead of a dict()?


with OrderedDict dict OrderedDict would work but not. Eg dict OrderedDict dictname 'B key' 'value1' 'A key' 'value2'..

proper use of list comprehensions - python


are used to derive a new list from an existing list. Eg a 1 2 3 4 5 i for i in a if i 2 3 4 5 Should we use them to.. i 2 3 4 5 Should we use them to perform other procedures Eg a 1 2 3 4 5 b b.append i for i in a None None None None None..