

python Programming Glossary: supplying

Python Language Question: attributes of object() vs Function


By making the object type as light as we could and also supplying __slots__ to allow avoiding per instance __dict__ in subtypes..

Processing single file from multiple processes in python


with the threads. You would produce work for them by supplying the queue with line of data. Then each thread would pick it..

Return the first item in a list matching a condition [duplicate]


the elements in the list match. You can suppress that by supplying a second argument to next next x for x in lst if matchCondition..

How to avoid .pyc files?


can now be prevented from writing .pyc or .pyo files by supplying the B switch to the Python interpreter or by setting the PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE..

How do I parse a string representing a nested list into an actual list? [duplicate]


'bar' 'baz' But in an environment where users might be supplying the string to execute this could would be a bad idea. Does anybody..

What is the purpose of the colon before a block in Python?


of its answers by Guido here . PS Thanks to ShaChris23 for supplying a correction to the Python FAQ URL the Python site has been..

Why does supplying stdin to subprocess.Popen cause what is written to stdout to change?


does supplying stdin to subprocess.Popen cause what is written to stdout to.. commands.txt binary get testfiles 100.KiB quit When also supplying stdin all you get in stdout is from subprocess import Popen.. Python version is 2.6.x on both platforms. Why would supplying a handle for stdin change stdout and where have the server responses..

sorting arrays in numpy by column


How should I correctly handle exceptions in Python3


execute dynamically indeed that's the case where you're supplying a library or the like and need to coexist peacefully with code..

Recommendation for python form validation library [closed]


of error messages in the long run. The ease of supplying your own error messages will quickly determine the complexity..

Is it good style to call bash commands within a Python script using os.system(“bash code”)?


escaping them Python has already done the work for you by supplying the libraries Look up glob for shell like pattern matching globbing..

Make the readline method of Python recognize both end-of-line variations?


Python is usually built with universal newline support supplying 'U' opens the file as a text file but lines may be terminated..

Understanding the difference between __getattr__ and __getattribute__


Using this model we can get the attribute by supplying the attribute_name. This works when we give a name as a string..

Python's os.path choking on Hebrew filenames


question Hmm after some digging it appears that when supplying os.listdir a unicode string this kinda works files os.listdir..

How do I handle file upload via PUT request in Django?


isn't a concern. As far as my protocol is concerned not supplying the correct information is a broken request. I'm in two minds..

Django's Querydict bizarre behavior: bunches POST dictionary into a single key


share improve this question The problem is that you're supplying a content_type. Since you did so the client is expecting a urlencoded..

The tilde operator in Python


so be sure that it really makes sense to do so before supplying an __invert__ method to your class. Note that byte strings ex..

Reverse a string in Python


str object. What is the best way of implementing this If supplying a very concise answer please elaborate on it's efficiency. Is..