

python Programming Glossary: surface

SVG rendering in a PyGame application


512 HEIGHT 512 data array.array 'c' chr 0 WIDTH HEIGHT 4 surface cairo.ImageSurface.create_for_data data cairo.FORMAT_ARGB32.. HEIGHT svg rsvg.Handle file test.svg ctx cairo.Context surface svg.render_cairo ctx screen pygame.display.get_surface image.. surface svg.render_cairo ctx screen pygame.display.get_surface image pygame.image.frombuffer data.tostring WIDTH HEIGHT ARGB..

how to use pygame set_alpha() on a picture


wrong screen pygame.display.set_mode 1066 600 #Drawable surface background pygame.Surface screen.get_size #Used for converting.. besides what monkey said is that you might need to use surface.convert which converts the image into a form where the alpha.. logo.png .convert I have found that although surface.convert_alpha should do pretty much the same thing it doesn't..

How to install MySQLdb (Python data access library to MySQL) on Mac OS X?


question provide my answer and see what else floats to the surface. So the question is how to get MySQLdb working on Mac OS X ..

Render anti-aliased text on transparent surface in pygame


anti aliased text on transparent surface in pygame I'm making a function that takes a string a breaks.. takes a string a breaks it up into lines and returns a surface with each line rendered below the previous one. For example.. my problem is that I cannot return a properly transparent surface to the calling function. I've tried using a color key but it..

Python: is using “..%(var)s..” % locals() a good practice?


not just cruft it's reducing your performance too. Is the surface convenience of locals worth that But wait there's worse Among..

How to sort my paws?


front and hind paws The hind paws are generally smaller in surface The paws are often spatially divided in left and right. However..

how to calculate the area of a polygon on the earth's surface using python


to calculate the area of a polygon on the earth's surface using python The title basically says it all. I need to calculate.. need to calculate the area inside a polygon on the Earth's surface using Python. Calculating area enclosed by arbitrary polygon.. Calculating area enclosed by arbitrary polygon on Earth's surface says something about it but remains vague on the technical details..

Python/Scipy 2D Interpolation (Non-uniform Data)


your function smooth and differentiable but you can get a surface that swings outside Z.max or Z.min . Since you are setting ky..

Color matplotlib plot_surface command with surface gradient


matplotlib plot_surface command with surface gradient I would like to convert surf.. matplotlib plot_surface command with surface gradient I would like to convert surf command from MATLAB to.. I would like to convert surf command from MATLAB to plot_surface command in matplotlib . The challenge I am facing is when using..

Convert SVG to PNG in Python


made a minimalist hello world that renders SVG to a cairo surface and writes it to disk import cairo import rsvg img cairo.ImageSurface..

SciPy LeastSq Goodness of Fit Estimator


LeastSq Goodness of Fit Estimator I have a data surface that I'm fitting using SciPy's leastsq function. I would like..

Add scrolling to a platformer in pygame


pygame.time.Clock up down left right running False bg Surface 32 32 bg.convert bg.fill Color #000000 entities pygame.sprite.Group.. self.xvel 0 self.yvel 0 self.onGround False self.image Surface 32 32 self.image.fill Color #0000FF self.image.convert self.rect.. def __init__ self x y Entity.__init__ self self.image Surface 32 32 self.image.convert self.image.fill Color #DDDDDD self.rect..

Render anti-aliased text on transparent surface in pygame


max_width max_width surf.get_width result pygame.Surface max_width height result.fill 255 0 255 result.set_colorkey 255.. a list of text you want. import pygame from pygame import Surface from pygame.locals import # Todo remove font object from TextLine.. self.screen pygame.display.set_mode 640 480 self.text Surface 200 100 self.text_wall TextWall self.toggle_bg True self.text_wall.parse_text..