

python Programming Glossary: syn

Python-Scapy or the like-How can I create an HTTP GET request at the packet level


you'll have to do it manually. Start with your SYN packet syn IP dst 'www.google.com' TCP dport 80 flags 'S' syn IP frag 0.. packet syn IP dst 'www.google.com' TCP dport 80 flags 'S' syn IP frag 0 proto tcp dst Net 'www.google.com' TCP dport www flags.. from the server sr1 works. Then send your HTTP GET request syn_ack sr1 syn Begin emission Finished to send 1 packets. Received..

Trouble using Vim's syn-include and syn-region to embed syntax highlighting


using Vim's syn include and syn region to embed syntax highlighting I am trying.. using Vim's syn include and syn region to embed syntax highlighting I am trying to get Vim.. using Vim's syn include and syn region to embed syntax highlighting I am trying to get Vim to syntax highlight..

Highlighting unmatched brackets in vim


following the unmatched paren. I looked at the c.vim syntax file briefly to try to understand it but the section that.. visually obvious. Update Ok here's what I've tried so far. syn region pParen transparent start end contains ALL syn match pError.. far. syn region pParen transparent start end contains ALL syn match pError display hi def link pError Error Unfortunately..