

python Programming Glossary: sys.getdefaultencoding

How to set the default encoding to UTF-8 in Python? [duplicate]


but sticks to ASCII for the default encoding import sys sys.getdefaultencoding 'ascii' sys.getfilesystemencoding 'UTF 8' BTW This mismatch.. again module 'sys' built in sys.setdefaultencoding UTF 8 sys.getdefaultencoding 'UTF 8' But that approach seems unclean and also doesn't prevent..

Understanding Python Unicode and Linux terminal


I suspect you are actually using Python 2. And then your sys.getdefaultencoding is generally 'ascii' and in your case it's definitely so. And..

SyntaxError of Non-ASCII character


set. You can check it by running import sys print sys.getdefaultencoding Also see Why declare unicode by string in python Changing default..

SQLite, python, unicode, and non-utf data


tThe system encoding is set to 0 . See error n t .format sys.getdefaultencoding print ude except UnicodeEncodeError as uee print ERROR. Couldn't..

Why does Python print unicode characters when the default encoding is ASCII?


is ASCII From the Python 2.6 shell import sys print sys.getdefaultencoding ascii print u' xe9' é I expected to have either some gibberish.. 'GREEK CAPITAL LETTER THETA' print u' xe9' é print ' xe9' sys.getdefaultencoding is only used when Python doesn't have another option. share..

How to make python 3 print() utf8


xc5 xa0 xc5 xab xc5 xaa xc5 xbe xc5 xbd # just bytes print sys.getdefaultencoding print sys.stdout.encoding print TestText print TestText.encode..

how to decode a non unicode character in python?


encodings. def decode_heuristically string enc None denc sys.getdefaultencoding Try to interpret 'string' using several possible encodings...

Python: Which encoding is used for processing sys.argv?


of sys.argv in in Python are they encoded with the sys.getdefaultencoding encoding sys.getdefaultencoding Return the name of the current.. are they encoded with the sys.getdefaultencoding encoding sys.getdefaultencoding Return the name of the current default string encoding used..