

python Programming Glossary: sys.excepthook

Calling a hook function every time an Exception is raised


question If you want to log uncaught exceptions just use sys.excepthook . I'm not sure I see the value of logging all raised exceptions..

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blas or by setting the BLAS environment variable. Error in sys.excepthook Traceback most recent call last File usr lib python2.7 dist.. blas or by setting the BLAS environment variable. Error in sys.excepthook Traceback most recent call last File usr lib python2.7 dist..

cannot override sys.excepthook


override sys.excepthook I try to customize behavior of sys.excepthook as described.. override sys.excepthook I try to customize behavior of sys.excepthook as described by the recipe . in ipython import pdb sys traceback.. value tb traceback.print_exception type value tb pdb.pm sys.excepthook info x 10 5 Traceback most recent call last File ipython..

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Python: eliminating stack traces into library code?


try except statement or in a function you've installed as sys.excepthook which gets called if and when an exception propagates all the.. customized by assigning another three argument function to sys.excepthook. Here's a simple artificial example import sys import traceback.. value tb ... traceback.print_exception type value tb 3 ... sys.excepthook excepthook f 8 Traceback most recent call last File stdin line..

Cannot redirect output when I run Python script on Windows using just script's name


output close failed in file object destructor Error in sys.excepthook Original exception was I think I first get this error after..

Don't show Python raise-line in the exception stack


reasons. If you use the traceback module and replace sys.excepthook with a custom function it's probably possible to do this. But..

Logging Uncaught Exceptions in Python


share improve this question As Ned pointed out sys.excepthook is invoked every time an exception is raised and uncaught. The.. that in your code you can override the default behavior of sys.excepthook to do whatever you want including using logging.exception ... ' value ... print 'Traceback ' traceback ... Override sys.excepthook sys.excepthook foo Commit obvious syntax error leave out the..

Simple threading in Python 2.6 using thread.start_new_thread()


in Unhandled exception in thread started by Error in sys.excepthook Original exception was The information missing in the error..