

python Programming Glossary: sys.exc_info

Python When I catch an exception, how do I get the type, file, and line number?


No error except Exception as e exc_type exc_obj exc_tb sys.exc_info fname os.path.split exc_tb.tb_frame.f_code.co_filename 1 print..

“Inner exception” (with traceback) in Python?


e raise Exception 'Failed to process file' filePath e None sys.exc_info 2 This includes both the messages and both the tracebacks but.. TypeError test except TypeError e raise MyException None sys.exc_info 2 Always do this when catching one exception and re raising..

Python Error Handling with try/finally


share improve this question No at finally time sys.exc_info is all None whether there has been an exception or not. Use.. has been an exception or not. Use try whatever except here sys.exc_info is valid to re raise the exception use a bare `raise` else here..

How to add a timeout to a function in Python


queue.put True function args kwargs except queue.put False sys.exc_info 1 class _Timeout Wrap a function and add a timeout limit attribute..

Starting python debugger automatically on error


to print the exceptions traceback. Then use sys.exc_info to extract the traceback and finally call pdb.post_mortem with.. a 0 if __name__ '__main__' try bombs except type value tb sys.exc_info traceback.print_exc pdb.post_mortem tb If you want to start.. a 0 if __name__ '__main__' try bombs except type value tb sys.exc_info traceback.print_exc last_frame lambda tb tb last_frame tb.tb_next..

Python: shutil.rmtree fails on Windows with 'Access is denied'


shutil.py line 221 in rmtree onerror os.remove fullname sys.exc_info File C Python26 lib shutil.py line 219 in rmtree os.remove fullname..

Catch a thread's exception in the caller thread in Python


offered . I have seen people mention the usage of sys.exc_info however I do not know where or how to use it. All help is greatly.. 'An error occured here.' except Exception self.bucket.put sys.exc_info def main bucket Queue.Queue thread_obj ExcThread bucket thread_obj.start..

print python stack trace without exception being raised


an exception I can do something like traceback.format_tb sys.exc_info 2 . Also what might be useful is to print only the last 3 4..

Python Unit Testing: Automatically Running the Debugger when a test fails


return f args kwargs except exceptions pdb.post_mortem sys.exc_info 2 return wrapper return decorator class tests unittest.TestCase..

Good examples of Python docstrings for Sphinx


using Python logger class to generate multiple logs for different log levels


try test x.append 1 test.__name__ OK except error str sys.exc_info 1 x.append 2 test.__name__ error Now to my issue running scriptRun.py..

Python multiprocessing - Pipe vs Queue


entire multiprocessing function in a try except and use sys.exc_info import sys def reader args try # Insert stuff to be multiprocessed.. print reader s exited with ' s' while multiprocessing args sys.exc_info Now when you find a crash you see something like reader 'crash'..

Creating a logging handler to connect to Oracle?


sql self.conn.commit except import traceback ei sys.exc_info traceback.print_exception ei 0 ei 1 ei 2 None sys.stderr del..

Converting a String to Dictionary?


shutil.py line 208 in rmtree onerror os.listdir path sys.exc_info File opt Python 2.6.1 lib python2.6 shutil.py line 206 in rmtree..