

python Programming Glossary: symbols

Perl's AUTOLOAD in Python (__getattr__ on a module)


perl's AUTOLOAD facility for implementing lazy loading of symbols into a namespace and wanted the same functionality in python...

What does the 'u' symbol mean in front of string values?


different than ascii strings in this code. There are other symbols you will see such as the raw symbol for telling a string not..

Convert Unicode to String in Python (containing extra symbols)


Unicode to String in Python containing extra symbols How to you convert a Unicode string containing extra characters..

How to read *.wav file in Python?


of time. In contrast I see a lot of strange mysterious symbols which are not hexagonal numbers . Can anybody pleas help me..

How to require login for django generic views?


Evaluating a mathematical expression in a string


# expr general_term self.bnf expr # map operator symbols to corresponding arithmetic operations epsilon 1e 12 self.opn..

Why does Python print unicode characters when the default encoding is ASCII?


points have been conventionally assigned to point to some symbols. e.g. by convention it's been decided that key 0xe9 233 is the..

In Python, how do I decode GZIP encoding?


tried to print the source code of this web page it had all symbols in my putty. How do decode this to regular text python http..

ropemacs USAGE tutorial


such as code assist showing documentation jumping to other symbols etc. For full benefit of ropemacs I suggest getting autocomplete.el.. to your python path so autocomplete will look for those symbols as well. prefs.add 'python_path' '~ path to virtualenv lib python2.6..

Is there a Python equivalent to Ruby symbols?


there a Python equivalent to Ruby symbols Is there a Python equivalent to Ruby symbols If so then what.. to Ruby symbols Is there a Python equivalent to Ruby symbols If so then what is it If not then are we stuck with using strings.. our keys in dictionaries only python ruby dictionary key symbols share improve this question No python doesn't have a symbol..

How to do a Python split() on languages (like Chinese) that don't use whitespace as word separator?


of possibly composed characters and character classes symbols vs whitespace vs letters and such goes well beyond what is built..

python and regular expression with unicode


expression with unicode I need to delete some unicode symbols from the string 'ب س ا ا ر ح ٰ ا ر ح ' I know they exist here..

“Private” (implementation) class in Python


... This is the official Python convention for 'internal' symbols from module import does not import underscore prefixed objects...

Relationship between scipy and numpy


in the scipy __init__ method I see this # Import numpy symbols to scipy name space import numpy as _num from numpy import oldnumeric..

What does the 'b' character do in front of a string literal?


that document. Also just out of curiosity are there more symbols than the b and u that do other things python string unicode..

How to remove symbols from a string with Python? [duplicate]


to remove symbols from a string with Python duplicate This question already has.. and I would like to know how to make a string that takes symbols and replaces them with spaces. Any help is great. For example..