

python Programming Glossary: surprisingly

Python: Reducing memory usage of dictionary


are these The Python dictionary implementation consumes a surprisingly small amount of memory But the space taken by the many int and..

Reading rather large json files in Python [duplicate]


'r' json.load f f.close print datetime.now Not too surprisingly Python gives me a MemoryError. It appears that json.load calls..

Regular Expressions in Python unexpectedly slow


the substring isn't present the regular expression is surprisingly slow This surprises me since theoretically the regex only has..

how to Implement __iadd__() for immutable type?


has no attribute '__iadd__' i 1 i 43 id i 10021696 Not surprisingly int objects have no __iadd__ method yet applying to one doesn't..

Generic Exception Handling in Python the “Right Way”


feels redundant and the excessive syntax causes it to be surprisingly difficult to follow when reading code. In C I would have solved..

python3 recursion animation in QuickDraw


that the solution is quite simple and the code is actually surprisingly short but I have no idea how to do it and it's actually very..

python passlib: what is the best value for “rounds”


rounds... Disclaimer Determining a secure minimum is a surprisingly tricky question there are a number of hard to quantify parameters..

latin-1 to ascii


' 10000 loops best of 3 21.4 usec per loop translate is surprisingly slow relative to the other approaches . I believe the issue..

Difference between __str__ and __repr__ in Python


share improve this question Alex summarized well but surprisingly was too succinct. First let me reiterate the main points in..

Simultaneous record audio from mic and play it back with effect in python


can't keep up you will have gaps in the output. This is a surprisingly difficult problem unless you have specialized software to help...

Install Python 2.6 without using installer on Win32


point to whatever python library in zip file I needed. But surprisingly if I use the lib name as Python26.zip it just worked. I wanted..

Robust Hand Detection via Computer Vision


HSV and only considering H and S channels is really enough surprisingly to detect different skin tones and under different lighting..

pip fails to install packages from requirements.txt


4079800 parser pip freeze distribute 0.6.24 wsgiref 0.1.2 Surprisingly if I try to manually install each package they install just..

Python/numpy floating-point text precision


'5.0' '0.1' '2.4' '4.555555555555555' '12345678.923456786' Surprisingly the result is natural looking and numerically correct. More..

Unusual Speed Difference between Python and C++


translation of the algorithm I knew of from python to c . Surprisingly the c version runs significantly slower than the python version...

Why is startswith slower than slicing


In 4 timeit x 3 y 10000000 loops best of 3 164 ns per loop Surprisingly even including calculation for the length slicing still appears..

How to redirect in real time STDOUT from imported module to Tkinter Text Widget in python?


as soon as both sleep and mod1.main have been evaluated. Surprisingly to me at least the problem disappears when I do not redirect..

Tk treeview column sort


sort the entries in a Tk Treeview by clicking the column Surprisingly I could not find any documentation tutorial for this. python..

Validating with an XML schema in Python


this question I am assuming you mean using XSD files. Surprisingly there aren't many python XML libraries that support this. lxml..

Why do std::string operations perform poorly?


2.7.2 8.8s C with libstdc 5.9s Java on OpenJDK 7 50.4s Surprisingly I tried O2 O3 in C but noting helped. C seems about only 50..

Running simulation with hyperthreading doubles runtime


each batch in the office and cut my running time in half. Surprisingly the run time of each individual instance was doubled compared..

Hang in Python script using SQLAlchemy and multiprocessing


to be aware of this issue and so don't guard against it. Surprisingly it seems that there are not enough people using multiprocessing..