

python Programming Glossary: surf

Does anyone have any examples of using OpenCV with python for descriptor extraction?


im1.jpg img2 cv2.cvtColor img cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY surf cv2.FeatureDetector_create 'SURF' detector cv2.GridAdaptedFeatureDetector.. 'SURF' detector cv2.GridAdaptedFeatureDetector surf 50 # max number of features fs detector.detect img2 The code.. img cv2.imread im3.jpg sd cv2.FeatureDetector_create SURF surf cv2.DescriptorExtractor_create SURF keypoints fs surf.compute..

OpenCV 2.4.1 - computing SURF descriptors in Python


imgg cv2.cvtColor img cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY # SURF extraction surf cv2.SURF kp descritors surf.detect imgg None useProvidedKeypoints.. # SURF extraction surf cv2.SURF kp descritors surf.detect imgg None useProvidedKeypoints False # Setting up samples.. cv2.cvtColor template cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY keys desc surf.detect templateg None useProvidedKeypoints False for h des in..

Render anti-aliased text on transparent surface in pygame


anti aliased text on transparent surface in pygame I'm making a function that takes a string a breaks.. takes a string a breaks it up into lines and returns a surface with each line rendered below the previous one. For example.. my problem is that I cannot return a properly transparent surface to the calling function. I've tried using a color key but..

matplotlib color in 3d plotting from an x,y,z data set without using contour


min y max y X Y np.meshgrid xi yi Z griddata x y z xi yi surf ax.plot_surface X Y Z rstride 6 cstride 6 cmap cm.jet linewidth.. X Y np.meshgrid xi yi Z griddata x y z xi yi surf ax.plot_surface X Y Z rstride 6 cstride 6 cmap cm.jet linewidth 0 ax.set_zlim3d.. FormatStrFormatter ' .03f' fig.colorbar surf shrink 0.5 aspect 5 plt.show Data set 2187.99902 9380.009151..

Color matplotlib plot_surface command with surface gradient


matplotlib plot_surface command with surface gradient I would like to convert surf.. matplotlib plot_surface command with surface gradient I would like to convert surf command from MATLAB.. command with surface gradient I would like to convert surf command from MATLAB to plot_surface command in matplotlib ...

Matplotlib so log axis only has minor tick mark labels at specified points. Also change size of tick labels in colorbar


self.testFreqArray Z sum activationTrace beg end axis 2 surf ax.contourf X Y Z 8 cmap cm.jet ax.set_position 0.12 0.15 .8.. ax 22 self.plotSetAxisTickLabels ax 18 cbar fig.colorbar surf shrink 0.5 aspect 20 fraction .12 pad .02 cbar.set_label 'Activation'.. self.testFreqArray Z sum activationTrace beg end axis 2 surf ax.contourf X Y Z 8 cmap cm.jet ax.set_position 0.12 0.15 .8..

Does anyone have any examples of using OpenCV with python for descriptor extraction?


descriptor extraction I'm trying to use OpenCV to extract SURF descriptors from an image. I'm using OpenCV 2.4 and Python 2.7.. img cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY surf cv2.FeatureDetector_create 'SURF' detector cv2.GridAdaptedFeatureDetector surf 50 # max number.. cv2 img cv2.imread im3.jpg sd cv2.FeatureDetector_create SURF surf cv2.DescriptorExtractor_create SURF keypoints fs surf.compute..

OpenCV 2.4.1 - computing SURF descriptors in Python


2.4.1 computing SURF descriptors in Python I'm trying to update my code to use cv2.SURF.. in Python I'm trying to update my code to use cv2.SURF as opposed to cv2.FeatureDetector_create SURF and cv2.DescriptorExtractor_create.. to use cv2.SURF as opposed to cv2.FeatureDetector_create SURF and cv2.DescriptorExtractor_create SURF . However I'm having..

Compare similarity of images using OpenCV with Python


to grayscale imgg cv2.cvtColor img cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY # SURF extraction surf cv2.FeatureDetector_create SURF surfDescriptorExtractor.. # SURF extraction surf cv2.FeatureDetector_create SURF surfDescriptorExtractor cv2.DescriptorExtractor_create SURF.. surfDescriptorExtractor cv2.DescriptorExtractor_create SURF kp surf.detect imgg kp descritors surfDescriptorExtractor.compute..

OpenCV Python and SIFT features


I have recently installed OpenCV 2.3 and can access to SURF and MSER but not SIFT. I can't see anything related to SIFT..

Detecting if an object from one image is in another image with OpenCV


vision share improve this question Check out the SURF features which are a part of openCV. The idea here is that you.. keypoints by David Lowe and then read the papers on SURF. Also consider moving this question to Signal and Image Processing..