

c# Programming Glossary: f.name

Best practices for serializing objects to a custom string format for use in an output file


string header String.Join separator fields.Select f f.Name .ToArray StringBuilder csvdata new StringBuilder csvdata.AppendLine..

Serializing anonymous delegates in C#


BindingFlags.Public BindingFlags.NonPublic info.AddValue f.Name f.GetValue obj public object SetObjectData object obj SerializationInfo.. BindingFlags.NonPublic f.SetValue obj info.GetValue f.Name f.FieldType return obj Listing 1 adapted from Counting Demo..

Strongly typed dynamic Linq sorting


maintenance. That means I want to define the fields as f f.Name instead of as strings. For my specific use I want to encapsulate..

How to create LINQ Expression Tree with anonymous type in it


fields return GetTypeKey fields.ToDictionary f f.Name f f.PropertyType public static Type GetDynamicType IEnumerable..

C# How to populate TreeView with file system directory structure


FileInfo f new FileInfo s TreeNode subItems new TreeNode f.Name TParent.Nodes.Add subItems DirFilesCollection.Nodes.Add TParent..

Rename some files in a folder
