

c# Programming Glossary: facilities

Dynamic interception of calls in .NET


control instantiation of. Similarly there will be no new facilities for this in the upcoming .net 4.0. If you can control instantiation..

What's the best way to benchmark programs in Windows?


think this is quite what I want. Are there any good system facilities for this in Windows XP or do I need to just use System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch..

Why can reflection access protected/private member of class in C#?


etc. You shouldn't use it blindly but note that these facilities have always been available in any system essentially by addressing..

C# - Exception messages in English?


can do about that the .NET Framework exception code has no facilities for overriding the error message locale. share improve this..

What is your favorite ORM for .NET? [duplicate]


What is your favorite ORM for .NET Which features tools facilities made it special for you c# .net orm database share improve..

What's the difference between using the Serializable attribute & implementing ISerializable?


time in such a way that when at run time the serializing facilities will know what to serialize based on the attributes by performing..

C#/.NET: Is there a way to force all referenced assemblies to be loaded into the app domain?


System.ComponentModel included in .NET 4 has much better facilities for accomplishing things like this. share improve this answer..

Where & How Castle Windsor sets up logging facility


logger is setup by the logging facility which is in the facilities section of the configuration. For example to use log4net your.. Castle.Windsor configSections Configuration castle facilities facility id loggingfacility type Castle.Facilities.Logging.LoggingFacility..

Non client painting on aero glass window


made my own test app for investigating non client drawing facilities. Screen shot of my app's window So you can see that system button..

What is the difference between an int and an Integer in Java and C#?


scope of this question but to summarize Objects provide facilities for polymorphism are passed by reference or more accurately..

WPF chart controls [closed]


should have a 2D graph and and should have pan and zoom facilities . c# wpf charts share improve this question Free tools..

Is ASP.NET MVC 3 ready for business applications


they integrate nicely into the framework state management facilities. Unlike other people I don't believe in saying that MVC is strictly..

C# driver development?


Do you have to do a lot of API hooks or does C# have the facilities to interface with the kernel without a lot of hackery Can anyone..

Built-in AOP in C# - is it on the way?


large apps I find myself really wishing I had built in AOP facilities. As it stands in C# the best you can do is factories and RealProxys..

Httplistener and file upload


this with an HttpListener rather than using the built in facilities of ASP.Net. But if you must do it this way here is some sample..