

c# Programming Glossary: facilitate

(Attempting to) migrate from WSE 3.0 to WCF for client code


we could start by telling me what ought to change here to facilitate passing the credentials again I've seen varying opinions online...

Store a reference to a value type?


to a value type I am writing a Monitor object to facilitate debugging of my app. This Monitor object can be accessed at..

Accessing controls created dynamically (c#)


As Frank mentioned you can use the is keyword this way to facilitate your life... if child is RadioButtonList Note it's worth to..

custom dialog with a text field in winmobile


Normally you would use the mouse event on the title bar to facilitate dragging but the label control doesn't have any mouse events...

Detect target framework version at compile time


compiles under .NET 2.0 using the compiler in VS2008. To facilitate this I had to declare ExtensionAttribute summary ExtensionAttribute..

SQL WHERE clause matching values with trailing spaces


the purpose of the LIKE predicate by definition is to facilitate pattern searches rather than simple string equality tests this..

C# DLL config file


mechanism has a lot of features built into it to facilitate easy upgrading updating of the app and to protect installed..

In .NET 4.0, how do I 'sandbox' an in-memory assembly and execute a method?


opinion. For reference here is my Sandbox class created to facilitate the launching of script assemblies in a nice clean separate..

Reference equality performance difference? ((object)obj1 == (object)obj2) vs. object.ReferenceEquals( obj1, obj2 )


the IL footprint is smaller. It argues that this might facilitate inlining of method X using this comparison. However without..