

c# Programming Glossary: fac

C#: Recursive functions with Lambdas


with Lambdas The below does not compile Func int int fac n n 1 1 n fac n 1 Local variable 'fac' might not be initialized.. The below does not compile Func int int fac n n 1 1 n fac n 1 Local variable 'fac' might not be initialized before accessing.. compile Func int int fac n n 1 1 n fac n 1 Local variable 'fac' might not be initialized before accessing How can you make..

Implementing Box-Mueller random number generator in C#


#include time.h double gaussian void static double v fac static int phase 0 double S Z U1 U2 u if phase Z v fac else.. v fac static int phase 0 double S Z U1 U2 u if phase Z v fac else do U1 double rand RAND_MAX U2 double rand RAND_MAX u 2... rand RAND_MAX u 2. U1 1. v 2. U2 1. S u u v v while S 1 fac sqrt 2. log S S Z u fac phase 1 phase return Z Now here's my..

How to use Custom Serialization or Deserialization in WCF to force a new instance on every property of a datacontact ?


here or just remove them ServiceContract public interface IService OperationContract Data Method Data dd public class.. IService binding Url host.Open ChannelFactory IService fac new ChannelFactory IService binding fac.Open IService proxy.. IService fac new ChannelFactory IService binding fac.Open IService proxy fac.CreateChannel new EndpointAddress Url..