

c# Programming Glossary: fa

Mean amplitude of a .wav in C#


param private void ReadWavfiles string fileName byte fa File.ReadAllBytes fileName int startByte 0 look for data header.. int startByte 0 look for data header var x 0 while x fa.Length if fa x 'd' fa x 1 'a' fa x 2 't' fa x 3 'a' startByte.. 0 look for data header var x 0 while x fa.Length if fa x 'd' fa x 1 'a' fa x 2 't' fa x 3 'a' startByte x 8 break..

arabic text box


on firefox and also IE just add an attribute like lang 'fa' or lang 'en' to your textbox and it's done sure you can tailor.. function input textarea .each function this .attr lang fa script if you see the html behind the homepage you can see..

convert nfa to dfa


nfa to dfa i want to write a program that convert nfa to dfa user.. nfa to dfa i want to write a program that convert nfa to dfa user draw.. nfa to dfa i want to write a program that convert nfa to dfa user draw a graph then Program convert it to dfa . how..