

c# Programming Glossary: failures

Questions about Entity Framework Context Lifetime


not before. Head my warning I've seen two large scale failures But honestly do what you like programming is fun and should..

Getting started with socket programming in C# - Best practices


you a very good catch all behaviour in case of unexpected failures. 4 5 Closing the client and the server Personally I would opt..

Silent failures in C#, seemingly unhandled exceptions that does not crash the program


failures in C# seemingly unhandled exceptions that does not crash the.. can point me to a list of events which may cause seilent failures too. Here's a snippet of my code I have no idea how it might..

Handling exceptions thrown by “Dispose” while unwinding nested “using” statements


... finally if dispRes.Exception null ... handle cleanup failures here The problem with this approach is that there's no way to..

C# overloading resolution?


on how various languages handle brittle base class failures see http blogs.msdn.com b ericlippert archive tags brittle base..

How do I use IValidatableObject?


to validate individual properties but I want to ignore failures on some properties in certain cases. Am I trying to use it incorrectly..

Keep Alive TCP/IP connected sockets over the Internet - when? how? and how much?


What SqlDbType maps to varBinary(max)?


becomes down right impossible to use because allocation failures. I have a couple of articles that show the proper way to handle..

How to handle WCF exceptions (consolidated list with code)


on SO to make a WCF client retry on transient network failures and handle other situations that require a retry such as authentication..

Listen for ICMP packets in C#


calls. SIP has a timeout mechanism to cope with delivery failures. An additional thing I would like to be able to do is detect..

Why is this cast not possible?


type List B is always a value of type B or else unexpected failures can occur when assigning into collection classes. end note The..

Why am I getting an access denied error for the Documents and Settings folder?


Can I use a language other than VBScript to programmatically execute QTP Tests?


creation of these objects. It just seems from my Google failures that no one is doing it. Sub ExecuteQTPTest name Dim App resultsPath..

Queuing in OneWay WCF Messages using Windows Service and SQL Server


the number of transaction made on a day and number of failures. QUESTIONS If I were using MSMQ clients could have forwarded..

Multi threading C# application with SQL Server database calls


the CalculateDetails method with retries for deadlock failures private static void CalculateDetails int id List ErrorType problematicIds..