

c# Programming Glossary: factories

How to configure Simple Injector to run background threads in ASP.NET MVC


However from this threading sample documentation I can see factories are used if I introduce factories to my commands and service.. documentation I can see factories are used if I introduce factories to my commands and service layer things will get confused and.. services one container handles saving other instantiated factories within services handle saves and disposing you can see how clear..

How to write functionality using DDD / CQRS


UI. This is what CQRS is about you don't need repositories factories or aggregates to give the UI a list of accounts for the user..

C# overloading operator== versus Equals()


for which until now I've used immutable objects and factories to ensure that objects of type Foo can always be compared for..

Dependency Inject (DI) “friendly” library


that are non DI and contain the coupling to those few factories. Thoughts c# dependency injection inversion of control share..

Multiple Instances of a single MEF DLL


ExportProvider to your container that allows you to import factories. In the latest MEF drop on CodePlex there is a DynamicInstantiation..

C#/EF and the Repository Pattern: Where to put the ObjectContext in a solution with multiple repositories?


matching factory implementation. So if the collection of factories contains multiple factories that can create a Repository for.. So if the collection of factories contains multiple factories that can create a Repository for the given repository Type the.. object in the enumerable will be used and any subsequent factories will be ignored. In addition if there is no registered factory..

Built-in AOP in C# - is it on the way?


AOP facilities. As it stands in C# the best you can do is factories and RealProxys PostSharp ICorDebug ICorProfiler or injection..