

c# Programming Glossary: nature

Find size of object instance in bytes in c#


Even if the problem recurs a human should learn the nature of the recurrences how they differ one from the other. That..

Google Weather API 403 Error


of request is the issue. More likely the intermittent nature of the 403 is related to the partial roll out of a configuration..

Intersection of multiple lists with IEnumerable.Intersect()


large lists and small random number size because of the nature of HashSet I guess. I couldn't find any real difference between..

Why does asynchronous delegate method require calling EndInvoke?


that you give to BeginInvoke and retain the asyncronous nature. EDIT For example class Program private delegate void GenerateXmlDelegate..

Algorithm to avoid SQL injection on MSSQL Server from C# code?


drop select alter etc. This may not be possible given the nature of the string. 1212 Lemondrop Ln Waltersburg PA and Table Rock..

In what areas might the use of F# be more appropriate than C#? [closed]


units. The equations I implemented often of a geometric nature dealt with units of time power and energy. Having the type system..

Needed: A Windows Service That Executes Jobs from a Job Queue in a DB; Wanted: Example Code


of the job already done for you due to the transactional nature of databases. Typical queue driven application has a loop that..

Benefits of using the conditional ?: (ternary) operator


it wherever possible or sticking to if else given the nature of the generally non programming environment I'm in c# conditional..

Model-View-Presenter in WinForms


to be passed from the beginning or if it's dynamic in its nature and needs the latest snapshot from the model via the presenter..

.Net vs Java Garbage Collector


difference is that the MS GC exposes its generational nature via the GC api this is likely to remain true for some time since..

Create XML Nodes based on XPath?


realize this is possible using XSLT but due to the dynamic nature of what I'm trying to accomplish a fixed transformation won't..

What is the difference between Decimal, Float and Double in C#?


for example. For values which are more artefacts of nature which can't really be measured exactly anyway float double are..

How to handle WndProc messages in WPF?


with another WinForms app . The design ideology and the nature of the API is very different in WPF from WinForms so I would..

Should C# methods that *can* be static be static? [closed]


static It's not static by design or choice simply by its nature in that it doesn't reference any instance values. c# static..

Why && and not &


found in the dictionary. Because of the short circuiting nature of value.Contains test is only executed when TryGetValue returns..

Blocking dialogs in .NET WebBrowser control


don't ask...long story . Because of the user less nature of this application I have set the WebBrowser control's ScriptErrorsSuppressed..

How to write a scalable Tcp/Ip based server


was fine due to the message sizes and the multithreaded nature of my application. If you want to send to every client you simply..

WCF Service or Web API


hosted . For handling operations which are non CRUD in nature I'd recommend Googling REST non CRUD . I found this blog post..

ExecuteReader requires an open and available Connection. The connection's current state is Connecting


this object. ASP.NET is a multithreading environment by nature. So theres a great chance for these locks which causes performance..