

c# Programming Glossary: navigator

Reading the list of References from csproj files


fullProjectPath System.Xml.XPath.XPathNavigator navigator projDefinition.CreateNavigator System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator.. System.Xml.XPath.XPathNodeIterator iterator navigator.Select @ Project ItemGroup while iterator.MoveNext Console.WriteLine..

Sorting XML nodes based on DateTime attribute C#, XPath


new XPathDocument @ temp salesData.xml XPathNavigator navigator saleResults.CreateNavigator XPathExpression selectExpression.. XPathExpression selectExpression navigator.Compile sales item @sTime selectExpression.AddSort @sTime XmlSortOrder.Descending.. XmlDataType.Number XPathNodeIterator nodeIterator navigator.Select selectExpression while nodeIterator.MoveNext string..

How to use XPath function in a XPathExpression instance programatically?


functions data Hello World data myXml XPathNavigator navigator xdoc.CreateNavigator XPathExpression xpr xpr XPathExpression.Compile.. fn ends with myXml data 'World' object result navigator.Evaluate xpr Console.WriteLine result I tried to change the.. functions data Hello World data myXml XPathNavigator navigator xdoc.CreateNavigator XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr new XmlNamespaceManager..

Upload report unit via webservice in C# .net to jasperserver


but when I click on the report via the iReport repository navigator it says No Attachment Present in a popup box. Below is the 'createXML'..

Using Xpath With Default Namespace in C#


using Xpath as follows XmlElement myXML ... XPathNavigator navigator myXML.CreateNavigator XPathNodeIterator result navigator.Select.. navigator myXML.CreateNavigator XPathNodeIterator result navigator.Select outerelement innerelement I am not getting any results.. the namespace in my select c# xml xpath namespaces xpathnavigator share improve this question First you don't need a navigator..

Serializable classes and dynamic proxies in EF - how?


IV ok so the problem above is that the Claim class has a navigator that points back to User which explains why the above method..