

c# Programming Glossary: nbsp

CookieContainer bug?


lblResult.Text br Total cookies count cookie.Count nbsp nbsp expected 3 Uri uri new Uri http sub.site.com CookieCollection.. lblResult.Text br Total cookies count cookie.Count nbsp nbsp expected 3 Uri uri new Uri http sub.site.com CookieCollection.. uri lblResult.Text br For uri Cookie count coll.Count nbsp nbsp expected 2 uri new Uri http other.site.com coll cookie.GetCookies..

REST WCF service locks thread when called using AJAX in an ASP.Net site


dataType json success function msg #message .append br nbsp nbsp nbsp msg error function xhr alert xhr.responseText .. json success function msg #message .append br nbsp nbsp nbsp msg error function xhr alert xhr.responseText function.. json success function msg #message .append br nbsp nbsp nbsp msg error function xhr alert xhr.responseText function..

What is the best practice for “Copy Local” and with project references?


Format a string into columns


0 27 1 15 2 2 3 5 Name City State ID .Replace nbsp The HtmlDecode changes the to a space that can withstand the..

Count total rows of gridview with pagination


ContentPlaceHolder1 runat Server table width 100 tr td nbsp td tr tr td align center class tdtitle Search Candidates td.. asp DropDownList td tr tr td colspan 4 align center nbsp asp Label ID notifyLbl runat server Font Size Large ForeColor.. asp TemplateField asp TemplateField HeaderTemplate nbsp Experience HeaderTemplate ItemTemplate asp Label ID Label1..

“The Controls collection cannot be modified because the control contains code blocks”


ID chkOn runat server asp Label ID lblPrefix runat server nbsp asp Label ID lblSliderValue runat server nbsp asp Label ID lblSuffix.. runat server nbsp asp Label ID lblSliderValue runat server nbsp asp Label ID lblSuffix runat server td td style text align right..