

c# Programming Glossary: ndepend

Free C# metrics calculation library (DLL)


analysis of the IL thanks to Mono.Cecil the same library NDepend relies on . This allows the analysis to be performed on assemblies..

Find unused code


Code Coverage for C#/.NET [closed]


Performance metrics parallell multi core test execution NDepend 410 for developer license NDepend can import coverage data from.. core test execution NDepend 410 for developer license NDepend can import coverage data from NCover DotCover Visual Studio..

Why can't I define a default constructor for a struct in .NET?


in the framework with parameterless constructors. No doubt NDepend could tell me if I asked it nicely enough... The fact that C#..

What static analysis tools are available for C#? [closed]


identification of security flaws Quality Metric Tools NDepend great visual tool. Useful for coupling and dependency studies...

Compare compiled .NET assemblies?


Ways to Compare .NET Assemblies suggests Commercial NDepend BitDiffer Free Reflector Diff Add in which you've already discovered..

Is there a tool for finding unreferenced functions (dead, obsolete code) in a C# app?


of a Library so public members are left out. You can use NDepend to do a search for public members with no upstream callers which..

C# Call Graph Generation Tool


code analysis call graph share improve this question NDepend is pretty good at this. Additionally Visual Studio 2008 Team..