

c# Programming Glossary: nested

Why Would I Ever Need to Use C# Nested Classes [duplicate]


already has an answer here Why when should you use nested classes in .net Or shouldn't you 9 answers I'm trying.. you 9 answers I'm trying to understand about nested classes in C#. I understand that a nested class is a class that.. understand about nested classes in C#. I understand that a nested class is a class that is defined within another class what I..

Parse JSON in C#


with Json.NET Related C# parsing json formatted data into nested hashtables Parse JSON array c# asp.net json parsing json.net..

Nested using statements in C#


expFile.EndOfStream It seems a little odd to have nested using statements. Is there a better way to do this c# .net..

TransactionScope automatically escalating to MSDTC on some machines?


29.aspx read that code sample it clearly demonstrates a nested second connection to a second SQL server actually which will.. servers nor different connection strings nor do we have nested secondary connections opening there should not be escalation.. code. Caveat #1 If those multiple SqlConnections are nested that is two or more SqlConnections are opened at the same time..

How costly is .NET reflection?


However if you're reflecting inside a series of nested loops with reflection calls on each I'd say you should revisit..

How to get ALL child controls of a Windows Forms form of a specific type (Button/Textbox)?


and a GroupBox inside the initial GroupBox. Inside the nested GroupBox I put 3 TextBox controls and a button. This is the..

Default visibility for C# classes and members (fields, methods, etc)?


directly within a namespace in other words that are not nested within other classes or structs can be either public or internal... level for class members and struct members including nested classes and structs is private by default . ... interfaces default.. directly within a namespace and private access when nested . From the second link Top level types which are not nested..

Dynamic LINQ OrderBy on IEnumerable<T>


code as below. This covers most common scenarios including nested properties. To get it working with IEnumerable T you could add..

Use of Application.DoEvents()


that causes the same loop to get started. Now you have two nested loops executing DoEvents the previous loop is suspended and.. could work but boy the odds are slim. Especially when the nested loop ends and the suspended one resumes trying to finish a job..

Using C# regular expressions to remove HTML tags [duplicate]


HTML and XML documents because there is no way to express nested structures in a general way. You could use the following. String..

“Nested foreach” vs “lambda/linq query” performance(LINQ-to-Objects)


Nested foreach&rdquo vs &ldquo lambda linq query&rdquo performance.. Objects In performance point of view what should you use Nested foreach's or lambda linq queries c# lambda foreach linq to.. query from item in firstSequence from nestedItem in item.NestedItems select item.BaseCount nestedItem.NestedCount Here we're..

Why Would I Ever Need to Use C# Nested Classes [duplicate]


Would I Ever Need to Use C# Nested Classes duplicate This question already has an answer here..

Nested using statements in C#


using statements in C# I am working on a project and have to..

How do you serialize a string as CDATA using XmlSerializer?


XmlElement node public NodeType Node get set #region Nested type NodeType public class NodeType XmlAttribute attr1 public..

Implementing a log viewer with WPF


need. You may even support rich text or images. Expandable Nested Items. Word Wrap. You can implement filtering etc by using a..

Get an IDataReader from a typed List


getter.CreateDelegate typeof GenericGetter #region Nested type Property public class Property public GenericGetter Getter..

Singleton by Jon Skeet clarification


Singleton public static Singleton Instance get return Nested.instance class Nested Explicit static constructor to tell.. Singleton Instance get return Nested.instance class Nested Explicit static constructor to tell C# compiler not to mark.. C# compiler not to mark type as beforefieldinit static Nested internal static readonly Singleton instance new Singleton..

Invert “if” statement to reduce nesting


What is the best way to build XML in C# code? [closed]


XElement Foo new XAttribute Bar some value new XElement Nested data Or the same with XmlDocument XmlDocument doc new XmlDocument.. Bar some value el.AppendChild doc.CreateElement Nested .InnerText data Console.WriteLine doc.OuterXml If you are writing.. Bar Some value writer.WriteElementString Nested data writer.WriteEndElement Finally via XmlSerializer Serializable..

Deserialize JSON into C# dynamic object?


Type new List Type new typeof object #region Nested type DynamicJsonObject private sealed class DynamicJsonObject..

What are reasons why one would want to use nested classes? [duplicate]


sealed class SavingsAccount BankAccount ... and so on. Nested classes work very well with the factory pattern. Here BankAccount..

Private inner classes in C# - why aren't they used more often?


c# scope nested class share improve this question Nested classes probably best to avoid the word inner as nested classes..

An obvious singleton implementation for .NET?


Singleton public static Singleton Instance get return Nested.instance class Nested Explicit static constructor to tell.. Singleton Instance get return Nested.instance class Nested Explicit static constructor to tell C# compiler not to mark.. C# compiler not to mark type as beforefieldinit static Nested internal static readonly Singleton instance new Singleton ..