

c# Programming Glossary: nettcpbinding

WCF contract mismatch problem


the WCF service configuration system.serviceModel bindings netTcpBinding binding name MyBinding security mode Message transport clientCredentialType.. message clientCredentialType Windows security binding netTcpBinding bindings behaviors serviceBehaviors behavior name WCFTest.ConsoleHost2.Service1Behavior.. mexHttpBinding contract IMetadataExchange endpoint binding netTcpBinding bindingConfiguration MyBinding contract WCFTest.ConsoleHost2.IService1..

WCF Service Library with NetTcpBinding


debug true system.web system.serviceModel bindings netTcpBinding binding name tcpBinding transferMode Streamed portSharingEnabled.. None message clientCredentialType None security binding netTcpBinding bindings services service behaviorConfiguration WcfServiceLibrary1.Service1Behavior.. IMetadataExchange endpoint address Service binding netTcpBinding bindingConfiguration tcpBinding name testTcp contract WcfServiceLibrary1.IService1..

IIS WCF service hosting vs Windows Service


httpMode contract IContract endpoint address binding netTcpBinding contract IContract endpoint address mex binding mexHttpBinding..

Could not find a base address that matches scheme net.tcp


moved my file transfer service from basicHttpBinding to netTcpBinding as I am trying to set up a duplex mode channel. I have also.. endpoint name MyFileTransferEP address binding netTcpBinding bindingConfiguration MyFileTransferNetTcpEP behaviorConfiguration.. baseAddresses host service And my binding as such netTcpBinding binding name MyFileTransferNetTcpEP hostNameComparisonMode..

How do I prevent a WCF service from enter a faulted state?


at all this can be observed when using oneways over the netTcpBinding . To be frank however I don't know if that changes the type..

Is DataContract attributes required for WCF


DataContract attributes required for WCF I use .NET 4 and netTcpBinding. c# .net wcf serialization share improve this question ..

WCF Not Timing out correctly?


are the details My binding configuration looks like this netTcpBinding binding name WindowsServerOverTcp maxReceivedMessageSize 10000000.. 2147483647 security mode None security binding netTcpBinding I am sending a message to a server which I know is turned off..

The server has rejected the client credentials


to the app.config Note the security node. bindings netTcpBinding binding name customTcpBinding maxReceivedMessageSize 20480000..

Handling WCF events in another process


8000 MyService contract TestService.IMyService binding netTcpBinding service services behaviors serviceBehaviors behavior name Normal.. endpoint address net.tcp localhost 8000 MyService binding netTcpBinding contract TestService.IMyService name NetTcpBinding_IMyService..

What steps do I need to take to use WCF Callbacks?


args var uri new Uri net.tcp localhost var binding new NetTcpBinding var host new ServiceHost typeof MyService uri host.AddServiceEndpoint..

WCF contract mismatch problem


see what is wrong Here is the client all done in code NetTcpBinding binding new NetTcpBinding binding.Security.Mode SecurityMode.Message.. is the client all done in code NetTcpBinding binding new NetTcpBinding binding.Security.Mode SecurityMode.Message binding.Security.Message.ClientCredentialType..

WCF Service Library with NetTcpBinding


Service Library with NetTcpBinding I'm having a tough time with NetTcpBinding. When I run my WCFservice.. Library with NetTcpBinding I'm having a tough time with NetTcpBinding. When I run my WCFservice I get this System.InvalidOperationException.. that matches scheme net.tcp for the endpoint with binding NetTcpBinding. Registered base address schemes are http . at System.ServiceModel.ServiceHostBase.MakeAbsoluteUri..

Detecting Client Death in WCF Duplex Contracts


Program static void Main string args var binding new NetTcpBinding SecurityMode.None var serviceHost new ServiceHost typeof Server.. false public ClientToTestStates var binding new NetTcpBinding SecurityMode.None var channelFactory new DuplexChannelFactory..

C# - WCF - inter-process communication


inter process communication on the same machine. Use the NetTcpBinding if you are crossing machine boundaries. I've found this flow..

Could not find a base address that matches scheme net.tcp


that matches scheme net.tcp for the endpoint with binding NetTcpBinding. Registered base address schemes are http . The reading online..

Connecting over internet to WCF service using wsDualHttpBinding times out


to get WSDualHttpBinding to work I suggest you switch to NetTcpBinding . Since both WSDualHttpBinding and NetTcpBinding are WCF only.. switch to NetTcpBinding . Since both WSDualHttpBinding and NetTcpBinding are WCF only Microsoft only proprietary connection schemes you're.. What you're gaining on the other hand is a lot NetTcpBinding uses only a single connection from the client to the server..

.NET assembly runs in partial trust on a network drive, but all other in full trust


drive. The solution hosts several WCF services with NetTcpBinding one of them with a non default binding configuration. A non.. with a non default binding configuration. A non default NetTcpBinding is per se not possible under partial trust see Stack Overflow.. partial trust see Stack Overflow question When does WCF NetTcpBinding need full trust on the client but the solution runs under a..