

c# Programming Glossary: ness

Is it possible to force an auto-property to use a readonly backing field?


However when using an auto property I lose the readonly ness of my backing field. I understand the compiler runtime is able..

How to expose IObservable<T> properties without using Subject<T> backing field


apply AsObservable to it in order to hide the subject ness of the underlying object. Also subject broadcasting of callbacks..

How can one simplify network byte-order conversion from a BinaryReader?


on every read It seems like there should be an endian ness option on the reader to make things like this simpler but I..

Is there a workaround for generic type constraint of “special class” Enum in C# 3.0? [duplicate]


... That loses compile time checking for the enum ness but keeps the check that you're using the same type in both..

How useful is C#'s ?? operator?


.e without having to test each intermediate step for null ness. The Groovy language has a Safe Navigation operator and it's..

Unit test for thread safe-ness?


test for thread safe ness I've written a class and many unit test but I did not make..

64 bits stuff for C# development


available in either. A few COM type libraries contain bit ness dependent arguments in their method declarations. ADO 2.8 is.. ADO 2.8 is a notable one. Be sure to use the correct bitness of Tlbimp.exe to generate the correct COM interop assembly Visual.. registry. Again for COM you'll have the use the correct bitness of Regsvr32.exe to register a COM server. Use the one in c windows..

Ternary operator VB vs C#: why resolves Nothing to zero?


42 Now you can do the same in VB and get the correct null ness you would expect i If condition Nothing CType 42 Integer But..

How to convert an IPv4 address into a integer in C#?


integer format. To do so you have to consider the endian ness of the machine you're running on. share improve this answer..

Does using public readonly fields for immutable structs work?


thing. The struct is not able to enforce the read only ness of x and y because the struct doesn't own the storage the storage..

Why does the async keyword exist


to avoid backward compatibility issues. If the async ness of a method must be inferred by the compiler that would be through..