

c# Programming Glossary: networkcredential

GMail SMTP via C# .Net errors on all ports


client new SmtpClient smtp.gmail.com 587 Credentials new NetworkCredential me@gmail.com mypass EnableSsl true client.Send me@gmail.com..

Send a file via HTTP POST with C#


req.KeepAlive false req.Method POST req.Credentials new NetworkCredential user.UserName user.UserPassword req.PreAuthenticate true req.ContentType..

iTextSharp - Sending in-memory pdf in an email attachment


smtp.gmail.com Port 587 EnableSsl true Credentials new NetworkCredential username@gmail.com my_password smtp.Send mm the Cannot Access.. smtp.gmail.com Port 587 EnableSsl true Credentials new NetworkCredential username@gmail.com password smtp.Send mm c# email pdf itextsharp..

c# SmtpClient class not able to send email using gmail


ss new SmtpClient smtp.gmail.com 587 ss.Credentials new NetworkCredential username pass ss.EnableSsl true ss.Timeout 10000 ss.DeliveryMethod.. my problem. The Credentials property ss.Credentials new NetworkCredential username pass must be declared after ss.UseDefaultCredentials.. ss.UseDefaultCredentials false ss.Credentials new NetworkCredential username pass MailMessage mm new MailMessage donotreply@domain.com..

HttpWebRequest not passing Credentials


passing credentials in see code below. I've read that NetworkCredential doesn't support SSL and I'm hitting an HTTPS site. Does anyone.. an HTTPS site. Does anyone know of a class similar to NetworkCredential that does support SSL Uri requestUri null Uri.TryCreate https.. request HttpWebRequest HttpWebRequest.Create requestUri NetworkCredential nc new NetworkCredential user password request.Credentials nc..

Is it possible to specify proxy credentials in your web.config?


IWebProxy public ICredentials Credentials get return new NetworkCredential user password or get return new NetworkCredential user password.. new NetworkCredential user password or get return new NetworkCredential user password domain set public Uri GetProxy Uri destination..

Sending email in .NET through Gmail


UseDefaultCredentials false Credentials new NetworkCredential fromAddress.Address fromPassword using var message new MailMessage..

Access a Remote Directory from C#


share. param public NetworkConnection string networkName NetworkCredential credentials _networkName networkName var netResource new NetResource.. Usage using new NetworkConnection _directoryPath new NetworkCredential _userName _password File.Copy localPath _directoryPath share..

Sending email through Gmail SMTP server with C#


client new SmtpClient smtp.gmail.com 587 Credentials new NetworkCredential myusername@gmail.com mypwd EnableSsl true client.Send myusername@gmail.com..

Send Email via C# through Google Apps account


string sendEmailsFromPassword password NetworkCredential cred new NetworkCredential sendEmailsFrom sendEmailsFromPassword.. sendEmailsFromPassword password NetworkCredential cred new NetworkCredential sendEmailsFrom sendEmailsFromPassword SmtpClient mailClient..