

c# Programming Glossary: nchar

LINQ to SQL: Updating without Refresh when ?œUpdateCheck = Never??/a>


LINQ to SQL: Updating without Refresh when ?œUpdateCheck = Never??/a>


UTF-8 or UTF-16 or UTF-32 or UCS-2


2005 SqlServer uses UTF 16 in some places ntext nvarchar nchar and UTF 8 in a few XML centric places without you doing anything.. e.g. all ISO country codes are in the range of char 2 so nchar 2 would just waste space and only nvarchar ntext and nchar for.. nchar 2 would just waste space and only nvarchar ntext and nchar for things people rather than machines will read and write...

C# Equivalent of SQL Server 2005 DataTypes


Strings char varchar text Unicode Character Strings nchar nvarchar ntext Binary Strings binary varbinary image Other Data.. None None varchar None None char None None nvarchar 1 nchar 1 SqlChars SqlString Char String Char nvarchar SqlChars SqlString.. Char String Char nvarchar SqlChars SqlString String Char nchar SqlChars SqlString String Char text None None ntext None..